FRIKINtech Taking advantage of the FTC

Alex Snyder

President Skroob
Staff member
May 1, 2006
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The FTC CARS Rules say you don't have to disclose state taxes and fees, so we decided we could take advantage of that to get more leads. We are adding a new call to action to get the state taxes and fees after giving their contact information.

You can read more about all the other things we did to not only comply with the CARS rules, but to enhance the customer experience. I believe customers are going to spend some time playing with all the numbers!

Or just watch what we did:

I sat in during the FTC session they had on Day #2 at NADA.

It was funny how many murmurs I heard under peoples breathes in disbelief and ticked off at the new CARS rule.

We are in the age of transparency. Give the right numbers up front to mitigate the likelihood of a bitching customer in the office when talking numbers. Nothing is more fun than disarming your customer on the lot just for all trust to be lost when presenting the pencil, because they had been served falsely advertised numbers on the website.

You have my vote with this solution. Great stuff! (y)
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:iagree: with Clint.

It is also surprising to see the bigger technology players implement changes that are obviously in response to the FTC rules but have not done it all the way. All are missing the total amount financed and continue to stick dealer fees (processing fee) into a disclaimer at the footer of the dealership website. Those are the two biggest items the FTC wants to make clearer.
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