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Tesla - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I love the video!

From the Tesla Blog;
"Another issue was that the car's fuse blew on numerous occasions. Each time, our engineers explored all possible explanations and were never able to find anything wrong with the car. Still, just to be sure, we replaced several parts that could have been related to the alleged problem – all at no expense to the customer. When the fuse kept blowing despite the new parts, and faced with no diagnosis showing anything wrong with the car, the engineers were moved to consider the possibility that the fuse had been tampered with. After investigating, they determined that the car's front trunk had been opened immediately before the fuse failure on each of these occasions. (The fuse is accessed through the front trunk.) Ultimately, Tesla service applied non-tamper tape to the fuse switch. From that point on, the fuse performed flawlessly."
... the engineers were moved to consider the possibility that the fuse had been tampered with. After investigating, they determined that the car's front trunk had been opened immediately before the fuse failure on each of these occasions. (The fuse is accessed through the front trunk.) Ultimately, Tesla service applied non-tamper tape to the fuse switch. From that point on, the fuse performed flawlessly."

If I were the Tesla lead on this problem and I heard of this solution, I'd leave my office throwing staplers at anything that moved.

The engineers who are responsible for the design, can't find the electrical failure problem and find great comfort in blaming it on... "munchausen syndrome by proxy".

I'd drag them all into a room and remind them that "just because you can't find the answer, correlation does not imply causation & our responsibility ain't over". I'd pound the table and say: "prove to me that this is the only Tesla in america that has this problem". Even if "tape over the fuse switch" is the answer, then what UX is causing this to occur?
Tesla could sell the new cars to a leasing company in the state where they are build and get a local tax exception (For example: Boeing has a different TAX code implemented in the ground that they cover in WA) then move those cars as used vehicles to any state where they wish to sell cars since franchise laws don't apply for used car outlets.

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