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The Black Hole in Sales Training


Uncle Joe
Apr 7, 2009
First Name
IMO, there never has been a more important time to train your sales team.

Am I alone? After we spend $$ on training reps, weeks later we are back to where we started.

Who's training the managers to be leaders?

I need help in this area.

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I am convinced that the Internet has not only helped consumers with more visibility than ever before, but, it has also become a source of frustration to the shopper. This infographic below NAILS every shoppers internet shopping experience:


Source: DealerRefresh Post, 2009

As the shopper invests MORE TIME they gather more information, but, at some point, they all find more information to be LESS HELPFUL... they need to leave the 2D world and come to the dealership for a 3D experience (read: meet a sales rep)

Dealers intelligently invest money to give their Sales team the tools & training to help them stay connected to the shopper.
It's the managers job to build on training investment and hold everyone accountable.

We train the reps but not the managers? Most all managers graduate from the floor (not other management positions), surely there will be MORE ROI in training the managers than the reps.

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I took my managers to good ol' Grant Cardone. His conferences are geared more towards salespeople but they still got a lot out of it. If nothing else it got them pumped up. They came back energized and ready to Kick Ass.

Joe maybe you should start manager training! :lol:
Education seems to be less sustainable in the dealership. All I can say is practice, drill and rehearse and make your managers accountable for knowing and practice, drilling and rehearsing with their teams.

Practice what? Drill and rehearse... what?

Most managers come up the ranks and form survival techniques that came from bitch circles. Once they become managers they KNOW they are now being featured in these circles. Ohh... don't give me the "they need to man up" speech, these managers are too cunning to be wimpy. In my travels, the majority of the store managers are "counter punchers". They are very comfortable dishing out opinions, but, rarely if ever come up with one themselves (for fear of failing).

I'm talking about leadership training.
Yeah, well ... quickly promote the young and inexperienced then. :)

Leadership training is tough. At the trainer I worked for, who's name I've already forgotten, we drilled in mostly motivation in lieu of leadership. Motivation can only sustain so long, as you already know. Sometimes I think it's picking out those who show better leadership skills and putting them in leadership positions, opposed to those who might be successful in sales, which can be sometimes-confused as a good candidate for leadership. I've certainly known a few great sales people who couldn't lead their way out of a Walmart parking lot.

Pick out a one good leadership book a month, and make it required reading. Then make them write an essay every month on activities they exhibited from the reading that makes them a good leader. Also, get on a program and STAY on a program.

The name of the trainer who shall remain nameless, did have a good leadership product that might be worth a look at. I think this was one of his better products, My Dealer Door - The Player Playbook.
Have you heard of CarMind?

It is a completely new type of sales training that makes it fun to learn.

I think it is a lot like the TV Show "The Office", but centered on a car dealership.

Here are a couple videos:


Seven Car Club:

The Fresh Up:

Deal Dispute:

For more info check out CarMind.com

Let us know what you think after you watch some of the videos.

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