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Trustworthy/Encompassing SEO?

Marcus Fontana

Green Pea
Aug 11, 2011
First Name
I'm beginning to think this is more of a purple unicorn than an actual beast. I've been "interviewing" companies to handle our site/listing SEO and I like to think I've got a good grasp on what needs to be done and how to go about doing it the right way - but what I've learned comes from forums and searches and no actual implementation experience. I still have a few vendors in the queue but I'm wondering if people have started bringing SEO in house (content/description writing, working with their website provider for proper URL/Meta/sitemap structure, quality in bound links...). I think my next step is to look at more outside the industry as most of what I've been pitched is either overly boiler plate or grey to blackhat tactics. One of the (respected?) companies we were referred to by our website host has a super shady background, but people either didn't do their homework, or don't care:
Alert to Charities and Political Campaigns: Watch Out for CDG?By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)
all set with that.

And I think we're also all set with solutions that involve payperpost.com as two M+P shops tried to pitch!

We are using TK for our site and happy, but two of the big things we want done (content writing and inbound links) need to be outsourced.

Are there any website providers that do those? I haven't found any - and not for a lack of trying!

Just getting tired and frustrated.

Thanks for any help,

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Thanks for the mention Ryan. We actually do a fair bit of Tier 2 auto dealer Local SEO work with Honda, Kia, Nissan, GM, Mazda, Suzuki, and Lincoln dealers (80% US, 20% Canadian).

Marcus - Here's a great guide to working with the right online marketing partner 15 Questions You Should Be Asking Your SEO Agency | SEOptimise. You shouldn't get any umms, buts, or 'i'll get back to you' type answers and if you do then run for the hills.

Dev Basu pops his head in here from time to time. He runs a very reputable SEO company : Toronto SEO & Internet Marketing Company | Powered by Search He does a lot of work with Real Estate but does have some Auto Dealer experience.

Thank you for recommending our Automotive Internship program (AIP) which teaches dealership staff or college interns on the fundamentals on Automotive SEO, SEM, Content Writing, Press Releases, Blogging, Third Party Leads, etc. The next class starts on September 6th and runs 12 weeks. Details can be found on Automotive Internship Program | Digital Marketing - Social Media Training.

Dealers are normally best advised to outsource link building and strategic content development unless then have enough franchise brands to justify a full time content writer and strategist. The AIP is a bridge in that with this course, it can help dealers get the training they need, because they don't understand it themselves.

Content writing CAN be an internal task if resources are focused and dedicated, but my experience has been that dedicated staff only are in place when a dealer has 4+ franchise points.

Dealers can also get some content writing and SEO strategies at any of the upcoming PCG Pit Stop Conferences, and we have three more coming up this year. Automotive Marketing Workshops - PCG Pit Stop

eCarList websites have basic SEO architecture, but we we also have a full-service SEO program which primarily revolves around SEO content-building for a nominal fee (cheaper than you can do anything internally for). Our websites are also powered by our inventory management system, which = full integration and real-time updates (including EOM rebates / incentives).

Send me your info if you're interested, and I'll set you up with a quick demo of our products: [email protected].

(Sorry DR for the pitch - but the gentlemen did ask ;)
Brian, sorry, but given your history with the police and fire fighter fundraising, you're definitely off the radar.

Ryan and Dev, thank you so much for the help - and Dev thanks for that 15 questions link, what a resource! I especially liked:

"Do you have long-term strategies for my website?"
It seems all to common that the people sitting in front of me are telling me where I'll be in 6 months....great, what about the next 6 or even 12 months!?! I understand the web is fluid, but long term SEO is what I'm after.

I had a gentleman in before I went on vacation, and although I didn't particularly think his "company" was the right fit, he definitely had me thinking over the last two weeks with something he proposed. It was out of the box and a little out there, but it stuck in my head as interesting and clever. He said he goes to local improv clubs and notes those who do well with the audience and then after the show introduces himself and finds out if they're looking to do side writing work. Thought it was interesting enough to mention.

thanks again for the help - a couple more contacts to make and we will (hopefully) be on the right long term path!

To identify a trustworthy or encompassing seo company or agent there are lot more points to be taken in to account the one and basic one is a good search engine marketing company will gladly share details concerning past projects. You should be able to view websites on which the company has worked in the past. Ask questions about how those websites are doing in the search engines right now, and for which keywords they are ranking. A reputable search engine marketing company won't try to hide anything about their past projects.
Marcus - If it's not too late, these are some thoughts…

1) Stay away from anyone that guarantees carte blanche in their advertising "I will get your website on page 1 with all the best keywords blah blah blah".

Technically speaking, if this is done organically (not pay per click), this is an impossible guarantee. Only Google could guarantee this. Don't begin your relationship with a SEO firm with a lie (or at the least read the fine print on the guarantee and hold their feet to the fire).

2) Stay away from blackhat - the results just aren't worth the possible penalties.

3) Make sure you set Analytics to establish benchmark (i know you probably have, but just in case)

4) Generate Content and you are 100% right = then "work with their website provider for proper URL/Meta/sitemap structure, quality in bound links". Also get on a schedule as to how often you release content.

5) Target geo

6) Make sure your vehicle inv pages are indexable

7) Get someone Google Certified ! (This will help eliminate "purple unicorns")

8) Find someone that will submit content to Google for you, instead of waiting for Google to come spider you.

9) Since you seem to be willing to put some time into this (assuming you aren't overly tired and exhausted by now), read the google webmaster tools PDF. It's just good for anyone interested to read, but if you read it it will also help you filter out the "purple unicorns."

10) We have outside industry experience (imediagroup.com) plus auto (dealeractive.com) so maybe we are a good fit - give us a call.

Just so this isn't a shameless pitch,… also try Automotive SEO - 888-593-3138 Automotive Dealer SEO SEM Organic Search - I have seen good results as well from them for a competing dealership to one of ours . . .