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VinSolutions Customer Portal


Mar 7, 2012
First Name
Has anyone ever actually had an idea they posted to the VinSolutions customer portal get accepted? I'm starting to think it's like a radio show. They add what features they're going to add and if they see an idea that resembles what they've done, they tell you it was done because it was suggested. I say that because ideas with over 3,000 votes "need more votes", but ideas with only hundreds of votes are "coming soon". I also think soon is a pretty relative term for these guys. It's awesome that they have a place for us to post ideas for feature additions and improvements, but there really doesn't seem to be any logic involved in the way the ideas are addressed. Just wondering...
Has anyone ever actually had an idea they posted to the VinSolutions customer portal get accepted? I'm starting to think it's like a radio show. They add what features they're going to add and if they see an idea that resembles what they've done, they tell you it was done because it was suggested. I say that because ideas with over 3,000 votes "need more votes", but ideas with only hundreds of votes are "coming soon". I also think soon is a pretty relative term for these guys. It's awesome that they have a place for us to post ideas for feature additions and improvements, but there really doesn't seem to be any logic involved in the way the ideas are addressed. Just wondering...


We have a lot of energy going into it as we speak and soon (mid-June) on our community you will see release schedules coming out and also identified features/ideas that have been selected will start rolling out.

Thanks for the patience,
Tom Walls
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Thanks for the response. I just wrote quite a lengthy response to you and felt better after writing it and reading it. I don't see it as productive to share here, so I'll just ask that you message me if you're genuinely interested with the problems I'm having with your software.

Everyone else,

Is anyone using a complete solution CRM/Inventory/ILM system that they are completely satisfied with? The people here seem to like Autobase. Mercedes-Benz likes UDC (Momentum) for us, but I"m hesitant to go with what the manufacturer suggests... I've used dealersocket and I'm not considering R&R or ADP. I'm only interested to know if someone has strong positive feelings toward something. ADP is our DMS and a full integration to that is key.