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Websites and Internet Speeds - US Consumers


Apr 30, 2009
First Name
Are our dealerships websites being built with the average consumer in mind? 15Mbps is average for the US. Some regions are even lower, mobile average for the US was recently put at just over 5Mbps. Sure a website looks good on our metro high-speed internet connection. Heck, I have 1GIG at my home -- so I am part of the minority 35% that have a connection over 15Mbps.

Background videos, image heavy websites, poorly designed HTML, the 102 3rd party "plugins" we have - on a slow connection -- all lead to a poor consumer experience.

I would advise everyone to throttle their internet connection to under 15MBPS and look at your sites (throttle under 5Mbps for mobile). Does your vendor know how to optimize for the lower end of the speed spectrum? Are you happy with how your site performs....from a consumer perspective?

Are we more worried about looks? or consumer experience?

What are the thoughts of everyone on this board?

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