We have been seeing an increase in leads.
Not to hijack this thread, but on a similar topic,
what is your opinion on lead quality comparing different types of leads?
ie a Text lead, vs Website lead, vs phone lead. (of even broken down to what type of website leads, e-price vs test drive etc.)
I am curious if anyone has large volume data to share on this? and would be willing too
Very hard to answer. I know when I had a strong call to action on each VDP, my phone calls increased by around 30%. I know that when I left, the phone calls dropped. I would much prefer the call.
My dealers are seeing a huge increase in leads counts. The frustration is not being able to go in a make changes to websites and processes. I can only make suggestions. One store, about 40 miles outside of a metro market, last month had over 16,000 visitors Over a third were unique with a bounce rate of 6%. If I could make changes to their marketing they would have more submissions. If I had an impact on their processes, they would sell more cars. Good part is they are excited with what they are doing. These numbers are far above what they were getting.