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When Car Dealerships Fail: A Frustrated Customer's Tale of Ignored Questions and Nonsensical Emails

Jul 7, 2016
First Name
In the world of car shopping, a common frustration has emerged among prospects: dealerships that can't be bothered to answer your questions but have no problem flooding your inbox with unwanted marketing emails. This scenario often feels like a slap in the face to customers who simply want straightforward information, only to be met with a barrage of automated responses.

Imagine this scenario: you're in the market for a new car and, after some research, you find a dealership with what seems like a good lease special. You decide to take the next step and inquire about the payments. Here's a snippet of the email exchange that follows:


Customer Email

Subject: Inquiry About Lease Pricing


I'm interested in the lease special you have on the 2024 Sedan X. Could you please provide the details on the monthly payments, the total due upfront, and any other costs involved?

Thank you,

Mr. Customer


Two days pass, and instead of a response to the specific question, Mr. Customer receives this email:

Dealership Email

Subject: Exclusive Lease Specials Just for You!

Hi Mr. Customer,

Thank you for your interest in our lease specials! We have amazing deals on the 2024 Sedan X. Click here to see our latest offers and find the perfect car for you.

Best regards,

ABC Dealership


Feeling frustrated, Mr. Customer checks the inbox again later that day and finds another email from the dealership:

Dealership Email

Subject: Is there anythinh I can help you with?

Hi Mr. Customer,

Is there anythinh I can help you with? We're here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about our vehicles or offers.

Best regards,


Sales Consultant, ABC Dealership


It's clear from this exchange that the dealership's processes have gone on autopilot. Instead of addressing Mr. Customer's specific question about upfront dollars, they send a generic marketing email and a poorly spelled canned response asking if there's anything they can help with—ironically after failing to help with the initial inquiry which actually offered all the answers on how to sell this prospect.

This lack of personalized attention (or let’s call it what it is, lack of reading) and the overwhelming reliance on automated emails not only wastes the customer's time but also leaves them feeling undervalued and ignored. It’s a glaring example of how some dealerships have failed to manage their internal processes effectively.

For dealerships, the lesson here is simple: customers appreciate timely, accurate, and personalized responses. Ignoring their questions while bombarding them with generic marketing emails is a quick way to lose potential business. It's time to put the "customer" back in customer service and ensure every inquiry is met with the attention it deserves.

Removing the people from the equation is a horrible idea and there’s no such thing currently as AI that can do it. So, rather than alienate prospects, why not train your people to do that which you hired them to do, engage customers!

For customers, this experience serves as a reminder to be vigilant and proactive. Don't settle for automated responses. Follow up persistently until you get the information you need, and don't hesitate to take your business elsewhere if a dealership can't provide the basic courtesy of answering your questions.

In a competitive market, the dealerships that stand out will be the ones that prioritize genuine customer interactions over automated marketing. Until then, the frustration will continue for many would-be car buyers like Mr. Customer.
The biggest issue with these scenarios is this: the person responding to your customer skips the most basic rule of e-lead response. THEY DON'T READ THE LEAD!

As managers we have focused so deep on speed that people are just hitting whatever respond comes up, then clicking "send", just to get through their daily calendar. They get beat up for having a response time over 5 minutes, so do you think they will take the time needed to construct a response that addresses customer questions in the lead? Hell, no.

So, you give grief that the response time was too long, then you give grief that they didn't take enough time to address issues and questions that were in the lead, so what is the mindset of your Rep?

Food for thought...
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The biggest issue with these scenarios is this: the person responding to your customer skips the most basic rule of e-lead response. THEY DON'T READ THE LEAD!

As managers we have focused so deep on speed that people are just hitting whatever respond comes up, then clicking "send", just to get through their daily calendar. They get beat up for having a response time over 5 minutes, so do you think they will take the time needed to construct a response that addresses customer questions in the lead? Hell, no.

So, you give grief that the response time was too long, then you give grief that they didn't take enough time to address issues and questions that were in the lead, so what is the mindset of your Rep?

Food for thought...
Very good points. A very structured process can definitely help with the speed of a lead response. Knowing exactly what the plan is is very helpful. As always, people work best when: 1. Properly trained 2. Given the tools needed 3. Knowing the expectation 4. Being held to the standard 5. Feel like they can give input.

Also, I think we have a very strict and tight rule on internet lead response time, but I think a 5-minute standard is too tight even if you have a BDC. Our salespeople respond to all of our leads and we give them 15 minutes with reassign time of 25 minutes.
I gotta say this is where AI automation and optimization can come in and help with the speed of the response and or at least make contact with that lead letting them know you will be in touch with them shortly. This allows you a little bit more time to respond. Its the same for a missed call if the lead knows you missed there call but they got a text immediately letting them know sorry we missed your call were with a client and I can give you a call back in 5 minutes or if your ok to text what can I help you with, that's a big deal for the lead to be acknowledged and helps with loss of a lead and loss of business. Plus as the business owner you will be notify that you missed a call or have a lead that needs attention.

As far emails goes yes automation can be tricky but still an automated response to let that customer know you got their Email and will be in touch is still better than a late response in my opinion. Now addressing the lead's questions well that will need to be handled by the human touch, so AI can only do some much like seeing you efficient and Lead nurturing so you do not lose the lead or piss it off with a delayed response.

With AI it's getting even more advance with chat models that can actually contact and interact with the lead. I have seen some test where people had a hard time telling which one was the AI and which one was the human. However the human touch will never be replaced and that's where the balance comes in. Automation with AI takes care of the little things and the Human takes care of the relationship side.

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I get automated texts and emails.

I'll get back to you shortly!

Insert that YT "A few moments later .... .... ... "

People get angry when I asked why didn't you get back to me when your email said you would. Triggered!

Honestly, I'd rather not get some "I don't mean what I say" email or text saying they will get back to me if it's weeks later.

Why don't you offer a hybrid of Ai automation call center that monitors for when a customer has had it with endless loops and cuts over to a human for the caller?
Or maybe start with an easier target: chat boxes!

I have been know to drop 5-6 paragraphs of Lorem Epsum into them because I know the dealer is closed and the chat boxes talk to you like they are open.

Chat boxes are in a dire need of getting smarter.
I get automated texts and emails.

I'll get back to you shortly!

Insert that YT "A few moments later .... .... ... "

People get angry when I asked why didn't you get back to me when your email said you would. Triggered!

Honestly, I'd rather not get some "I don't mean what I say" email or text saying they will get back to me if it's weeks later.

Why don't you offer a hybrid of Ai automation call center that monitors for when a customer has had it with endless loops and cuts over to a human for the caller?
Or maybe start with an easier target: chat boxes!

I have been know to drop 5-6 paragraphs of Lorem Epsum into them because I know the dealer is closed and the chat boxes talk to you like they are open.

Chat boxes are in a dire need of getting smarter.
So they have improved tremendously, chat bots now even have voice ones where its hard to tell if its a human or a AI that will talk to you. Of course they are not perfect but improving in a big way. Most are the old version out dated from what you are talking about.

On the automated text's the same it's just not, I'll get back to you shortly anymore or no response days or weeks later. It more advance it will trigger alarms and notification telling the sales person or whoever hey you need to respond NOW and then its up to the person or it will connect them to a live person.
However If that person doesn't respond then that's bad business on them ( Same with email). Or it will open a text response to answer questions that that client or customer may have, or at least provide some information but that's up to the to consumer if they want to chat. It really depend on how in depth you program these AI automation and let me tell you you can get very detailed now.

However you can not replace the Human effect that's for sure ...well at lest for now LOL . Lots of these company have generic AI that's limited just like you're talking about that's why it's important to work with someone who knows how to update and make sure it's not generic and your running more advanced system that avoid all these issue.

As far as what you're talking about call center, I have this system already. It will connect you to a live person and it will not send you through endless loops or is it limited and the same with the chat bots way more advanced.