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Where to get automotive news (market and business related)?

Tons of ways to think about this: Automotive News is the biggest official source. There's also AutoRemarketing, AutoSuccess, and Ward's Auto, and tons of other publications depending upon which niche you want (fixed ops, sales, F&I, etc)

I follow a ton of people on LinkedIn as well, including groups like Automotive State of the Union.

The Clubhouse group "All Things Used Cars" is also a great resource, despite how crappy that app is. And of course, here on DealerRefresh...

Best answer EVER @Ryan Everson !! :cool:

Actually speaking, I've often considered adding an automatic "industry news" feed to its own forum category but fear it becoming overwhelming while including too many irrelevant news articles. I could keep them from showing up on the homepage / latest discussions UNLESS someone comments. I'm sure there's an RSS type plugin that would work, I believe I have seen something like that before across other non-industry forums. Maybe if the article would drop into a holding tank for review before posting would be a consideration. I don't know - still seems like more work than what it's worth.
After DealerRefresh, of course... If you'll allow me to shamelessly plug our weekly market update email - Topmarq Weekly - it's essentially a boil down of many of the feeds mentioned above with a few in-depth breakdowns of top stories and then some market data sprinkled in. We're still working on optimizing the data stuff to make it interesting / helpful, but generally have gotten positive feedback.
I'm trying to find the best sources to get automotive related news. Not like Car & Driver or Motor Trend, but more along the lines of market trends or business related topics for the car industry. Any suggestions?
Super cool/fun/trendy/easy to read newsletter from Automotive State of the Union: Subscribe | ASOTU Daily Push Back
Tons of ways to think about this: Automotive News is the biggest official source. There's also AutoRemarketing, AutoSuccess, and Ward's Auto, and tons of other publications depending upon which niche you want (fixed ops, sales, F&I, etc)

I follow a ton of people on LinkedIn as well, including groups like
USA company formation of the Union.

The Clubhouse group "All Things Used Cars" is also a great resource, despite how crappy that app is. And of course, here on DealerRefresh...
Hi there.
I'm about to start a new ltd company, I already have clients lined up and activities booked.
I would like to have a company car which would be 100% company use, no personal use at all.
Being a new company, it doesn't have any money yet.
So the question is:
- Lend the company money from my account and the company buys a car. The company then repays the loan to me in instalments, or
- I buy the car, then transfer it to the company, which then has to pay me back in installments, or
- Something else I haven't thought of?

Does it make any difference either way? Are there other considerations?
Your help/advice is greatly appreciated.