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Which browser do you use most?

IE - Have to use for all GM applications
Firefox - Have to use with dealer.com
Chrome - everything else

Doug, did I miss something, did you leave the Lexus stores for a chevy store?

I left the Lexus stores at the end of the month. I had the nicest GM that I have ever worked for and a bunch of super nice people. Their idea of adequate stocking levels, and mine, are miles apart. I really like these people and will continue to help them any way that I can.

I love moving volume and Lexus isn't the franchise to do it. I really like Phoenix and it isn't nearly as competitive as Dallas. I'm coming to the end of my career and I want to make one more big splash.

Eley, that's purple haze:


Purple haze all in my eyes
Don't know if it's day or night
You've got me blowin, blowin my mind
Is it tomorrow or just the end of time?