I build exotic algos for stock trading, its all math based pattern hunting. Should be doable.
Setup: Create a dealer's data lake of 1st party sales history, 3rd party local demand and supply data. Have UCM create a no-go list of YMMs he'd never buy. Build an algo that can dynamically create a 'inventory demand' sheet.
Execute: WIth the 'inventory demand' sheet, go find matches. Have the bot canvas presale auction listings looking for matches... Publish the matches to a watch list page for the UCM, allow UCM to set alert criteria (i.e. set thresholds for the bot to auto-buy w/o UCM's oversight), hand off all high value VINs to UCM live personally.
On the flip side, here is an AI innovation request: Let me plug in my last 6-12 months of sales and order my units for me according to sales volume. TIA