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Personal facebook usage

Alex Snyder

President Skroob
Staff member
May 1, 2006
First Name
I realized that I'm logging into facebook every couple of days instead of a few times a day. In speaking with Jeff he said his facebook usage has also dwindled. Are you still using facebook like you used to?

I'm not talking about business. I'm asking about YOUR personal usage.
My usage has dropped down to weekly. I only have a couple friends that post updates on a daily basis as well. I'm wondering if it's headed down the same path as myspace?

I guess I always thought that myspace fizzled in large part due to FaceBook. Has twitter replaced FB for mindshare already or is this a drop without a successor? I would also expect to see it drop during the summer just like traditional media that competes with the golf course, but we aren't there yet.

Alright Alex, why has your personal usage dropped? Other activities, lack of interest, dislike of new layout...Curious to see if you have worked out the why's and if you think others will also change their usage habits.
My wife and teenage kids (17 & 19) are all over Facebook. I would say 2 to 3 hours (maybe more) a day. As a man's man, I'm on it maybe for 30 minutes each day. If I was a salesperson at my dealership, without question I would use FB all the time to promote what I sell and different used car deals.

My 19 yr old daughter is away at college. My wife and I are able to get many laughs from the updates they post.
I probably use it more now than I did 6 months ago. I recently got interested in genealogy on my father's side (which I knew very little about,) and tracked down a line of cousins on Facebook that I didn't know about.

Most of my usage is personal, but I do follow a lot of local business, and people I've know in through my career.
I guess I always thought that myspace fizzled in large part due to FaceBook. Has twitter replaced FB for mindshare already or is this a drop without a successor? I would also expect to see it drop during the summer just like traditional media that competes with the golf course, but we aren't there yet.

Alright Alex, why has your personal usage dropped? Other activities, lack of interest, dislike of new layout...Curious to see if you have worked out the why's and if you think others will also change their usage habits.

Twitter users just don't stick like with Facebook.
Unless I have something truly compelling to say or post, I'm usually too busy to "facebook". I jump in there from time to time and I have a few friends that are so into it that it's the only way I know what's going on with them.

I get it, I know why people are on it but for me it's mostly a time suck. PLUS - most people post the dumbest shit over and over (i've done it!) . I think I have too many friends and need to go thru and start cutting back.

For me, Twitter has become my source of content - mostly industry content and connections but that's more important and engaging to me than someone having a peanut better and jelly sandwich for lunch and then thanked the good lord for the wonderful food they are about to eat.

OMG - stay home moms have to be the most facebook obsessed group of all. Great avenue for marketing tho!

Social as we know it today will be different in the years to come. Most people do NOT know how to be social, at least not in an engaging way. Yawwwnnn

I predicted and still predict that we eventually get tired of being so damn social - I could be wrong and most likely I am but once the cool factor wears off and people are tired of being "popular" - social will start to segment and move into a different direction. Say - 5 years from now...