
  1. Whitney Williams

    What Dealerships Can Learn From Blockbuster

    The year was 1997. Blockbuster looked down from its throne to scorn the new court jester. The jester danced with enthusiasm and grit, smiling warmly at the King of Video Rental. Blockbuster rolled its eyes and signed off on a late fee for Good Will Hunting. There are a few details to spare, but...
  2. Whitney Williams

    Do Customers Really Want Electric Vehicles?

    The short answer is yes—in due time. The need for more commonplace electric vehicles is growing. In some areas of the world, cutting down on carbon dioxide emissions is reaching critical importance. China and India are already visiting the need for electric buses because air quality stays...
  3. Whitney Williams

    That one accessory that even Tommy Boy can sell (leads in to more $$$)

    These are unique times for the automotive industry. Online car sales are surpassing what we're used to, while in-person sales are transforming to fit the times. Unfortunately, accessories can fall by the wayside when we're hyper-focused on moving metal. After all, many dealerships are merely...
  4. Whitney Williams

    Are accessory sales alive and well during a global pandemic?

    Did car buyers stop accessorizing their vehicles during the pandemic? It seems like the vehicle personalization industry is largely unphased by 2020, but I wonder what the frontline people say? Are you still selling accessories online and to your in-person clients (if you can communicate well...
  5. Tony Schlotter

    Accessories Promotions- What works, what doesn't?

    I am working on an accessories promo to target internal clients and was curious if anyone out there has had any decent success with a particular target or not? We have a very healthy truck buyer %, however there is no efficiency way to determine if they have purchased accessories or not at time...