
  1. jwittler

    PR & News Auto Sales Officially Deemed Essential!

    This afternoon, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) added automotive sales to the list of “Essential Businesses” permitted to safely operate during the pandemic. For everyone in the Refresh Community who signed the #AllowSafeAutoSales petition - thank you! There are so many dealers out...
  2. ryan.gerardi

    Does the end of Net Neutrality have any bearing on the car business?

    Net Neutrality was voted down on Thursday by a vote of 3 to 2. The outcome of the vote was as expected, but few understand what it could mean in terms of the future of the internet. Already, heavy hitters like Netflix, Facebook and Amazon have come forward to express their disappointment with...
  3. ryan.gerardi

    Are dealers exempt from the interest hike in tax reform bill?

    According to this piece on DrivingSales, the NADA successfully lobbied to get dealers exempt from the hike on interest rates for business loans, which is part of the new tax reform bill. http://www.drivingsales.com/news/auto-dealers-get-last-minute-tax-break/ I'm going to look into this more...