online checkout

  1. ryan.gerardi

    Holiday Marketing Ideas?

    According to a USA Today article, Christmas and Christmas Eve are 2 of the top 10 best times to buy a used car. But with your dealership closed on those days, shoppers have only your website to rely on. In my interview with Drive Motors CEO Aaron Krane, Aaron shares some numbers with us that...
  2. ryan.gerardi

    The Myth of Selling Cars to Millennials

    This is the edited version of our original webinar with Drive Motors Head of Growth Rune Hague which aired in September 2017. Millennials differ substantially from previous generations when it comes to how they shop. This is equally as true for household items and consumer electronics as it...
  3. LDH824

    PR & News Drive Motors Hires Former Showroom Logic CSO to Expand Executive Team as SVP of Consumer Experience

    DRIVE MOTORS HIRES FORMER SHOWROOM LOGIC CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER TO EXPAND EXECUTIVE TEAM AS SVP OF CONSUMER EXPERIENCE - San Francisco-based Tech Company Leverages Recent $5.2M Fundraise to Make Key Hire - SAN FRANCISCO (October 3, 2017) -- Drive Motors, which builds ecommerce solutions for...