I agree. I'm looking at a few vendors now that offer call tracking services. To be brief, our store has 8 sales people, 2 of which have been here less than 5 years. The sales managers assume that their tenure equates to unparalleled phone skills (among other things) and I personally don't think that has a whole lot to do with it. In my experience, tenure can often lead to complacency. We also don't have a pager system. When a sales call comes in, our operator sends the call to a line that rings every salesperson's line at once. The first to pick up the phone gets the call. Not a bad system if there's always someone free who wants to answer the phone, but there's no telling how many calls go unanswered. Along with the tracking I think recording would be nice as well. Having spent a lot of time dissecting our current process I have concluded that I need a new website, phone tracking, and a new SEO program are a must. Would like a newsletter and hooklogic as well, but not sure how friendly the GM will be with the checkbook. Seems as though if the focus is to drive thousands of extra people to the website, capturing the business should be worth at least as much advertising money as what got them there.
I appreciate everyone's input on this but the thread seems to be getting way off topic. Let's try to shift back over to Hook Logic vs Third Party. Have we concluded that third party leads are not the answer? Also, Hooklogic seems great, but are there any other similar products out there? Seems pretty unique to me.