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3rd Party Lead Provider vs. Hook Logic (Auto Logic)

...I appreciate everyone's input on this but the thread seems to be getting way off topic. Let's try to shift back over to Hook Logic vs Third Party. Have we concluded that third party leads are not the answer? Also, Hooklogic seems great, but are there any other similar products out there? Seems pretty unique to me.


I forgot to mention, in my travels, there is no established competitor to HookLogic. The suggestions I made expand on the concept of "conversion tools that rest on a dealers site".

Dealer's website Conversion Tools that I think may help you:
--ActiveEngage (100% must have)
--DriveItNow (awesome concept, haven't got it it yet)
--WalkAroundVideo (100% must have w/High End units)
Hook Logic vs. 3rd Party Leads? Good Lord man... plug Hook Logic in, and if after 30 days you think it was a bad decision, come back here and say so, and I'll lose my purple tie forever....

We just signed with them today. I have seen results with them with our 20 group and can't wait to see what we get with them in the coming months. IF it is a bad decision, I will let you know if you need to lose the 'purple tie.'
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I agree. I'm looking at a few vendors now that offer call tracking services. To be brief, our store has 8 sales people, 2 of which have been here less than 5 years. The sales managers assume that their tenure equates to unparalleled phone skills (among other things) and I personally don't think that has a whole lot to do with it. In my experience, tenure can often lead to complacency. We also don't have a pager system. When a sales call comes in, our operator sends the call to a line that rings every salesperson's line at once. The first to pick up the phone gets the call. Not a bad system if there's always someone free who wants to answer the phone, but there's no telling how many calls go unanswered. Along with the tracking I think recording would be nice as well. Having spent a lot of time dissecting our current process I have concluded that I need a new website, phone tracking, and a new SEO program are a must. Would like a newsletter and hooklogic as well, but not sure how friendly the GM will be with the checkbook. Seems as though if the focus is to drive thousands of extra people to the website, capturing the business should be worth at least as much advertising money as what got them there.

I appreciate everyone's input on this but the thread seems to be getting way off topic. Let's try to shift back over to Hook Logic vs Third Party. Have we concluded that third party leads are not the answer? Also, Hooklogic seems great, but are there any other similar products out there? Seems pretty unique to me.

Mike, if I may make a suggestion. Call Jerry at Phone Ninja's and have him do a mystery shop on your team and then present to your GM. You might be shocked at what you hear. Also, talk to Century Interactive about call tracking and recording, Jerry can talk to you about this as well. I highly recommend you start there before dumping a bunch of money into anything else. There could be a lot of potential that your store is missing that just by tracking and Jerrys training could uncover.
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Mike, let me also say that the reason I mentioned getting your phone in order first is because the last thing you want is implementing strong products that drive traffic and your phones start ringing and your people suck on the phone. Phone traffic for us in on the rise, people have smart phones and search your inventory, then we find more and more are calling us to see if the vehicle is available. That is a buyer, you want the best you can have on the phone. Once you get your phones dialed in, then add more things to drive more traffic. But i would start with the phones first.

I would also highly suggest you recommend to your GM to change the phone process, especially if you put in traffic driving solutions. It sounds like phone calls are going un-answered and missed and no voice mail?. You could do a round robin where we give phone calls go to the sales people without the "Sales Line 4" page and 6 guys running in the showroom, that looks attractive! If you have a BDC, I would consider putting the sales calls in there so you know all are being answered and they are capturing info and making appointments.

Throwing sales calls to the wolves is just not good, you got guys that camp on the phone, usually the ones that suck.

a little more of my $0.02 for what its worth.

I forgot to mention, in my travels, there is no established competitor to HookLogic. The suggestions I made expand on the concept of "conversion tools that rest on a dealers site".

Dealer's website Conversion Tools that I think may help you:
--ActiveEngage (100% must have)
--DriveItNow (awesome concept, haven't got it it yet)
--WalkAroundVideo (100% must have w/High End units)

I showed Hooklogic to my GM today and he said, "Why aren't we using that right now?" I'm fairly certain that upon my return from Orlando, Hooklogic will be among the things we implement. I'm interested to know what you like about ActiveEngage over Constant Contact. We use Constant Contact and it works with our website, cars.com, and autotrader. I'm not sure what one chat provider could really offer over another one, but I'm open to hear about it. I was unable to find information on walkaroundvideo. Do you have a website link? DriveItNow is interesting, but not sure how many Benz buyers are payment driven...
Mike, let me also say that the reason I mentioned getting your phone in order first is because the last thing you want is implementing strong products that drive traffic and your phones start ringing and your people suck on the phone. Phone traffic for us in on the rise, people have smart phones and search your inventory, then we find more and more are calling us to see if the vehicle is available. That is a buyer, you want the best you can have on the phone. Once you get your phones dialed in, then add more things to drive more traffic. But i would start with the phones first.

I'm fairly certain that is what's happening. The floor log is often barren, and our dealership is too small to let floor traffic go undocumented. The e-leads speak for themselves. The only other palce the extra traffic could be going is to the phones. I think I'll go with your mystery shop idea. As long as it's free, I'd imagine that it couldn't hurt. If the problem seems great enough, it would certainly be a means to an end.
I showed Hooklogic to my GM today and he said, "Why aren't we using that right now?" I'm fairly certain that upon my return from Orlando, Hooklogic will be among the things we implement. I'm interested to know what you like about ActiveEngage over Constant Contact. We use Constant Contact and it works with our website, cars.com, and autotrader. I'm not sure what one chat provider could really offer over another one, but I'm open to hear about it. I was unable to find information on walkaroundvideo. Do you have a website link? DriveItNow is interesting, but not sure how many Benz buyers are payment driven...

We started with self managed chat. In my case, I went thru a cycle. When we started, 1/2 the reps really like the idea and chased every chat up. Fast forward 6 months and the participating reps were down to 10%. What was happening was shoppers were in total control, reps were helping shoppers, but the reps RARELY got contact info.

I don't know how many chats you get, how many go un-answered and how many never get contact info. I switched to Activengage managed chat and the lead count EXPLODED.

My indepth review of my chat transcripts is here: Is Your Dealership Website Chat Used or Abused?

I understand that managed chat is clearly a better option than the dealer software, but ContactAtOnce has fully managed chat as well. I'm open to switching if Activengage really does something better, but I really like the idea that I can have this same chat service answering my cars.com and autotrader customers. Right now we are managing our own chats and we probably miss 40% of them. I know how bad that is, but I have a lot of little holes to patch right now, and I'm trying to just build a new ship as opposed to postponing the inevitable sinking.