@Carsten thanks for the backstory. DDC is Dealer.com who is an OG dealer website provider within automotive. All of our OEM program websites are on their platform because we are forced to select from a list of providers. The game for any vendor (website, widgets, agency) within auto is to get a certification from an OEM to be able to "pay to play" and be allowed to actually build websites for franchise dealers. @csabatka1 can tell you how that looks. We just recently caved to Kia and moved from his WP sites to two more DDC Kia sites and they suck compared to his BUT there is a lot of money that dealers lose by not falling in line with an OEM program provider.I have been toying with an idea to try to get into the dealer websites.
As far as WP, I think the reaction you're getting is because you're reducing it to only fools or those asking for a good hacking would use WP. One of the largest providers of websites for auto is DealerInspire who builds on the WP platform. They sold to Cars Inc for $140M give or take in 2018 so they were doing something right as well as they have the majority of OEM blessings to be able to sell websites to dealers. There are plenty of other vendors in the forum that have been hacking their way into automotive retail for years. I would seek them out to learn where your time breaking into the industry is best spent. You are right, it isn't in a DMS lol