Oh yes. Scares me too. But I also love it! My company started out as a data aggregator after can-spam laws were put in place here in the states. Our goal was to do legitimate 3rd party email marketing and help businesses do proper data collection within the limits of the law. We've learned a lot over these past 10 years which has lead us to offer this unique marketing opportunities for our clients (like beta testing Google products and working with mobile app developers to design new marketing techniques..like the one mentioned in the previous post)
I do believe we will all fall in love with GSP once it leaves beta and some more of you can get your hands on it. I think there is some powerful targeting that will really help cut down wasted monthly ad spend and annoy less people with advertising that has no interest to them.
I do believe we will all fall in love with GSP once it leaves beta and some more of you can get your hands on it. I think there is some powerful targeting that will really help cut down wasted monthly ad spend and annoy less people with advertising that has no interest to them.