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I love this stick up artist manner of trying to glom in on car deals.....Autopitch, what a nonsensical company.
I love how Dealerships and Salespeople get bad reputations when there is junk like this in our space. Ridiculous.

I guess he can't get enough and has come back to be taunted for a second time:rofl:
With only 292 video plays on YouTube (uploaded in August) on their home page, it doesn't look like their concept/model is working out. I could be collecting a $150 referral fee on phantom inventory all day -- until they caught me. Also, the WIRED article said it was a $50 fee.
If he had only explained his service in the original request for the quote - along with the fee - instead of acting like a retail customer. I have to think this would have helped make the dealer more receptive.

Hey guys:

Thanks for the feedback. I agree that it is unprofessional and I understand why you would be upset by my email....it is deceptive.

Any other suggestions on how to approach dealers in a better way? I could definitely implement the changes that Ed mentioned.

I appreciate your feedback!
- Brad
Like any vendor -- a lot of phone dialing and taking the time to build relationships and value in your product.

Agreed. I have no patience for anyone that takes the time to visit every website in my dealer group to blast me with their crap using my contact forms. I delete them immediately - or send them back a nasty reply.

If you want my business - you need to do what every other vendor does - call me and make me believe in your product.

What you may not realize is that dealers have learned to tune out 99.9% of the garbage that is coming at them. There are so many rip off artists out there trying to sell some bullsh*t that I don't have time unless you give me something that I see value in.

If you can get me a deal based on my pricing online without asking me to negotiate some low profit deal against 40 other dealerships, and I do minimal work - I am happy to give you $150.

If, however, you are going to take MY inventory and MY customers and try and pit them against me over price with the only winner being YOU - then, sorry, I can manage without you.
Agreed. I have no patience for anyone that takes the time to visit every website in my dealer group to blast me with their crap using my contact forms. I delete them immediately - or send them back a nasty reply.

If you want my business - you need to do what every other vendor does - call me and make me believe in your product.

What you may not realize is that dealers have learned to tune out 99.9% of the garbage that is coming at them. There are so many rip off artists out there trying to sell some bullsh*t that I don't have time unless you give me something that I see value in.

If you can get me a deal based on my pricing online without asking me to negotiate some low profit deal against 40 other dealerships, and I do minimal work - I am happy to give you $150.

If, however, you are going to take MY inventory and MY customers and try and pit them against me over price with the only winner being YOU - then, sorry, I can manage without you.

Ya, that is the issue we have ran into. Talking with dealers, we have found that they get hitup all day long with some marketing program. So we are trying to just get down to business and if the buyer decides to purchase your vehicle, there is very minimal work on your part and you get a customer who has committed to buying one of your vehicles.

I know dealers are busy and hate spam, so I try to be sensitive to that.

Any other tips are appreciated.