5 Step Craigslist Posting Plan:
1. Create 7 gmail accounts per city. I recommend Monday----@gmail, Tuesday... etc. This way when your poster (ill explain this person little later) has an easy time remembering which account to use to make the days posts. Use any system that is easiest for you.
2. Have dedicated IP (computer) in each city. This is where you need to asses risk versus reward. Today with a CPU stick connected to wifi is only $54 I recommend finding someone/somewhere in each market to have a dedicated unit.
3. Create Ads
4. Hire not a service but a person who is directly responsible to make the required posts. I hired a nice woman from out of country and she posted at .20 -.25 per ad. Once you hire someone then they can log into that local computer and post as if they were in that local city using their always fresh log in that only posts once per week because they have multiple accounts easily identified to post from. (The
[email protected] step)
5. Create, Test and Record Ads. See what works, you know the whole measured is managed thing.
The biggest effort here is set up. However its More effective, Less expensive and "so far" the only evergreen process and variations of this. Now still going to get flagged cause people have momentary fits of being a jerk. However, Ghosting not an issue. I also posted a pic of someone I found in 2 minutes posting for .45 an ad with experience here In the states.
Hope this Helps. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I do not sell this service btw.
[email protected]