Tons of great information here, and useful examples. I see a lot of people suggesting that chat should be treated like the phone. I disagree. Think about chat services. Chat is offered as fully managed, rollover, or software only. In managed chat, you are delivered leads. In the event that an appointment is created in the process, it's just gravy. As a dealership, you should take the same position. Salespeople are bad at handling internet leads because they are always trying to sell the car. They have a hard time on the phone for this reason, and require constant training to be effective. Chat actually takes this one step further, in that you are trying to create a lead, not an appointment, and definitely not a sale. Once we have a name, phone number, and email address, then my team has done what they needed to do on chat. From there they are to follow up and create an appointment.
I always tell them to provide value to the customer before asking for an email. Saying, "can I have your email address/phone number in case we get disconnected" is not providing value. They're chatting in stead of emailing for that exact reason. They don't care if the conversation gets termed. They'll just initiate another chat if they didn't get all their questions answered. Offer to send additional vehicle information. If they asked about equipment, off to send a copy of the window sticker via email. Tell them that you have a carfax report you'd like to email them if your a carfax customer. Give them a reason to give you their email that actually benefits them. I normally agree with Doug, however in this case I don't think it makes sense to commit to knowing if the vehicles is still there or not. It could be getting sold while you're chatting. The best answer for availability questions is, "The computer is showing that the car is still available, but I'd like to put my hands on it just to be sure, and to make sure there isn't a deal pending. What is the best number to reach you at?" Once they give it to you, "Great! While you wait I will send you some additional information on this vehicle and a few similar cars for you to look over as well. What is your email address?" No matter what the question is, you can use these lines and get customer info. From there, you should be using your internet lead follow up process to turn it into an appointment.