OK I'm going to let the cat out of the bag here. Social is SEO. Yes, it is, in a big way...but maybe not like your thinking.
Before I get into detail we must keep in mind that SEO is really optimizing for search engines. After all, that's what it stands for. "Optimize", by definition means to make the best use of something. We can all agree that anything in life is judged by comparison. Most people in our space know that SEO was about links and content. But yet, if everyone is creating links and content then how can one competitor -or- dealer have an advantage over another. The answer used to be in quantity of content, grey/black hat tactics like page sculpting, user agent defined doorway pages, and a sleuth of other tactics. The trick today- Quality.
Quality. Here lies the issue. How can you create quality? The simple answer, albeit hard to tackle, - BE AWESOME. Sounds great right but how does that impact social and SEO? Simple. People share awesome. Look at BuzzFeed for example. In the last few years BuzzFeed has been picking up a crazy following. Compared to Google,
Facebook has produced 4x's more referring traffic for BuzzFeed. That's referring traffic so how does that impact SEO? Where does referring social data come from? You guessed it- links. Just looking in
Ahrefs quick, BuzzFeed has over 8.5 million links from every TLD known to man. BuzzFeed articles get shared on social networks, search engines, via emails (Gmail? Ymail?), websites, etc, etc. These links multiply and build relevancy for search in many ways.
A dealer can do the same, admittedly on a smaller scale. Here's a great example of how social can boost your SEO:
Cox Chevy out of Bradenton, Florida just recently gave a car to a blogger for the weekend to head up to Spring training. The catch: promote the car if you want and Tweet about how much fun your having in it when you get there. What happened? The local paper caught wind and picked up the story. How? They saw it on Twitter. Cox Chevy then received free publicity and a very nice link back to their website. The story is
here. There is so much more that can be done but it's definitely more than just two posts per week about cats. This happens outside the walls of your website. It's about connecting and being awesome.
However, and one last thing, above anything related to getting people to the website via SEO, social, 3rd parties and paid search. There is a much bigger question. What happens when the visitors gets to your website? What is the user experience? Was the user experience awesome? In my opinion this is the first item to tackle. Google and other search engines are getting great at figuring out what websites have a great user experience and which website's don't. This needs to be dissected from every device and traffic driving landing page.
Think about your website as a house. You need a solid foundation, a warm feeling and a nice entrance to really make you feel like home. When you have that then you can invite the party. And yes, if you want the word to spread, social is a great place to start!
(Sorry if this showed as a repeat. I was trying to comment to social impacting SEO.)