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Dealerfire vs Dealer E-Process

I'm currently deciding between the same two products. I'm the Internet Manager at a growing store in Minnesota and getting tired of Cobalt. We have several dealerships within an hour, mostly on the same highway and need to stand out.

I want to do more video for my all my vehicles, my body shop and service department and they have both offered solutions on doing so.

My question is, which one actually drives better conversions and visitors? I'm sure I have more questions for those using or contemplating either provider.
Hi Ben!
We would be happy get you in touch with some dealers using the platform that would be happy to share their experience and lift in conversion when switching to Dealer e Process. Conversion is our obsession at Dealer e Process, we are always creating new ways to generate more qualified leads for our dealers and enhance the overall experience for your customers . I would also be happy to review 36 real conversion data points broken down by desktop, mobile and tablet live in our dashboard. As you know we offer real time reporting including Google Analytics API so we will be looking a true stats and the same reporting you will have access to 24/7. Im sure you will enjoy not waiting for a PDF report to be sent to you every month.
We received our first design template back today. Going to make a minor tweak or two but otherwise I like the look.
Congrats on your wonderful decision! We've been with DealerFire for a little over 2 years now and couldn't be happier. They have an amazing team and a fantastic product. Best of luck!

Tricia Cawley
Digital Marketing Specialist