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Dealer's Buying FAKE Likes on Facebook. v. 50K Fans, Are You Serious..

March 9th when Tim made his announcement on ADM I questioned his "Google + purchase service" with a comment
"Seriously? "We are selling +1's for $2 per +1 and offer discounts for large orders." At least your admitting that your gaming the system... My opinion, this is gonna turn out real bad. :( Just my opinion.)"
The Google Plus Game Changer - Automotive Digital Marketing Professional Community

I do not see that comment now, maybe I missed it...
March 9th when Tim made his announcement on ADM I questioned his "Google + purchase service" with a comment
"Seriously? "We are selling +1's for $2 per +1 and offer discounts for large orders." At least your admitting that your gaming the system... My opinion, this is gonna turn out real bad. :( Just my opinion.)"
The Google Plus Game Changer - Automotive Digital Marketing Professional Community

I do not see that comment now, maybe I missed it...

There is a conversation here.

We know the bad things that can happen when you cheat or lie, your momma already warned you about this when you were a kid.

But why is this happening? Why as a biz we need to buy a click from a person when this is supposed to happen "organically"?

Has Google put to much SEO value in the G+ platform (so it is a must have) at a time when nobody is using it therefore forcing people to find whatever means they can to get them?
I see there are some that are still making money selling dealerships on social media. I can remember when social media "gurus" were everywhere on DealerRefresh. They were always indignant at the suggestion of ROI. I think the turning point was Joe's unicorn comment. Jeff never decided to add a special section ...good move.
This kind of thing will go away as dealers become more educated. Unfortunately a dealer that knows nothing about SEO, SEM, Social Networking, etc. is low hanging fruit for the "I'll get you a million likes" pitch. Or, I'll get you to number one in the search engines in your competitors market for a single keyword/phrase before your dealer has any process or value proposition to turn that traffic into sales.

Going to my favorite from Stephen Covey; As dealers and vendors focus on the Circle of Influence and build on that instead of wasting money and time in the Circle of Concern. They will create a long term growth curve that will stand the test of time.
Yes Yago, Google has placed a lot of SEO emphasis on G+. As a business plan on their part it makes sense. Driving traffic through their assets (G+) to reap their rewards (higher placement). When I replied to Tim back in March, the Panda update was still on the drawing boards. Just looking at how that single update erased (and penalized) those attempting to cheat the system is enough for any reasonable individual to pass on these types of short term solutions.

Quality content, that will earn the 10 - 50 G+ approvals, across the board is the answer.

(Noted: is that my initial comment was removed by Tim or he deleted and restarted the post. Only way I found it was by looking on my wall three or four "mores" down)
Yes Yago, Google has placed a lot of SEO emphasis on G+. As a business plan on their part it makes sense. Driving traffic through their assets (G+) to reap their rewards (higher placement). When I replied to Tim back in March, the Panda update was still on the drawing boards. Just looking at how that single update erased (and penalized) those attempting to cheat the system is enough for any reasonable individual to pass on these types of short term solutions.

Quality content, that will earn the 10 - 50 G+ approvals, across the board is the answer.

(Noted: is that my initial comment was removed by Tim or he deleted and restarted the post. Only way I found it was by looking on my wall three or four "mores" down)

So then Tim's offering may be valid since dealers have been left out dry on this review relevance business just because it is more convenient for them to grow their G+ platform.

So I'm not condoning/approving Tim for gaming the system nor Google for playings its cards, I'm just stating--the obvious--so we understand why people do what they do and what ways around it we have as a business.
So then Tim's offering may be valid since dealers have been left out dry on this review relevance business just because it is more convenient for them to grow their G+ platform.

So I'm not condoning/approving Tim for gaming the system nor Google for playings its cards, I'm just stating--the obvious--so we understand why people do what they do and what ways around it we have as a business.

Yikes! I have no idea where you concluded that Tim's offering may be valid from my statement. Dealers who pay for likes are inviting disaster in my opinion. The Google police will catch up to them.