I understand, didn't notice you were a lady and as a gentleman if there was any ill tone it was unintended, my apologies. For your question my point isn't to compare there popularity per say but to note that it isn't that the BBB isn't growing but consumers are more drawn to other sources of knowledge for mere accessibility (mobile phones) and communities. As a business there is very little you can do to directly impose an impression on the BBB or org. sites for that matter but if you have an opportunity to control your reputation on other various online sites why not take it?
You business should be weary of the online review sites;Yelp, Google, Yahoo listings, City Search, Merchant Circle, Insider Pages, Angie's list, and the BBB. But one must also be aware of consumer trends as what was a popular place of seeking reputable reviews may not be tomorrow. Just a short time ago having a My Space presence was important and now it has seemingly faded away..........,
I do appreciate the advice, you must be in marketing as well? I will consider it and apply it where I see fit. My intention for coming to the forums was to improve my over all knowledge of salesmanship and Dealer Refresh seemed like a good source. This for my own personal endeavors and have not pitched any direct/indirect services respectively so. However upon reading through I noted I could offer advice from my own expertise and have done just that in all of my postings thus far. And just like any other individual I value my time so when "Yago" scouted my postings and I took it as what seemingly felt like jabs, it was taken personally. But that is not matter, I understand it can be difficult to convey humor in text.
I was under the impression you were pulling a "Fernando Alonso" * (Inside Spanish humor). I am glad to answer your valid questions in the other threads as soon as I get the chance. Your website seems of quality, I am sure you offer quality service just the same. I am in the most diversified and tolerant country in the world, USA. And yes it's Como Esta's?
parison of Google and Yelp in this particular matter. Google is first and foremost a search engine. So, any comparison is inflated because those numbers do not only represent review traffic. And Yelp got this lovely traffic bump from it's new boyfriend (Apple) that just recently broke up with Google.
Statistics aside, my initial (light-hearted) note was simply to point out that BBB is
gaining traction. That is all. This is easily complimented by the growing numbers of people who are obsessed with reputation and research.
Also, I agree with Ryan. I would much rather have a light-hearted debate with a person I can relate to rather than an impersonal business name. I think you may have more people interact with you positively if you came out to play and continue to debate the topics and have a conversation. And no need to take things personally... we're all just here to chat a bit, poke some fun, and grow as Automotive people... aren't we?
Subi Ghosh
Director of Sales and E-Commerce
Joyce Koons Honda Buick GMC[/QUOTE]