No offense to anyone on this thread, but consider this. Driving drunk is against the law. Can you imagine not driving because there are people going to jail for DUI? It is a very simple thing. Doing it correctly AND legally is the answer.
Just because there are people who do it wrong or illegally is NOT a justification for avoidance. That said, it is risky indeed. The risk is precisely why you should hire a trained professional to set your SMS marketing up. More importantly, and something I wish everyone would ignore, is your own opinion regarding whether you do or do not want to be bugged on your mobile phone by businesses. This is the same logic as someone saying I am not advertising on a radio station I dont listen to. Really? Are you selling ONLY to yourself or are you selling to the people that ACTUALLY do listen to the station. SMS marketing is no different. That YOU dont like it is NOT relevant. What needs to be determined is whether you audience likes it...and how they like it. Then give it to them. Legal SMS marketing, actually effective SMS marketing, is when people CHOOSE to get your alerts for whatever reason. It is absolutely not about you. It is about your customer. They make the choice to receive alerts...and you make every effort to deliver the alerts they want!!!
This is a no brainer for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Mobile alerts are a strategic asset NOT a legal liability. Those that came before you who have been sued thought, incorrectly and stupidly, that they didnt need an expert to walk them through it. How many people have cost themselves millions because they thought they knew it all. Well, we have doctors, lawyers, fireman, police officers and car dealers because we cannot possibly all know it all. A qualified consultant is going to do two things for you:
1. Make sure your target audience wants alerts and the type they want.
2. Make sure that you do not do anything that will jeopardize you or your customer.
Additionally, to use SMS marketing ONLY for a one time lead...and NOT a regular channel to tell your fans about the happenings of your store, is a tragic mistake. If you design your alerts to give them what they want, they will love you for it. You can do so much more than the upfront lead and coupon. You can tell them about special service offerings, car deals etc etc. More importantly, because your message is sure to be delivered, unlike email, AND because it will be delivered to someone who actually wants to do business with you, you are sure to win the business.
Just sayin.