I just want to capture this part of your post. It is a key issue that is rarely talked about.
I'm not letting you get away with a hit and run here mister, you're going to be required to share your thoughts on this. You've seen this from the upper management level's prospective
For sake of not repeating everything that you and DDAVIS said about this problem, I 100% recognize that this is a big issue. I've these things happen recently from floor guys:
A. punt a stone cold buyer, because buyers today look like the tirekickers of yesterday. [the way they don't say much and don't share information upfront]
B. get completely shredded during negotiation or lose all credibility upfront because they don't know the current marketing online for other dealers and are not intouch with the market. "you can't get that price anywhere" .. when the customer knows they can.
What are solutions to overcome this other than being an Internet store and not having "floor guys & internet guys"?