Some dealers are not fans of coupons / gift cards and they say they don't work. I think the problem is they don't have an effective way to measure the results. This gives you the measuring stick without having to pay a 3rd party do it for you. All it cost you is a little bit of time and effort!!!!
We implemented -- I should say, we piloted -- the Hook Logic program (I believe) for all of automotive a few years back.
Let me make it QUITE CLEAR that offering a $25 Sheets/Target/Starbucks card for walking through the door is quite a bit different than offering a $200 coupon for purchase.
The Hook Logic concept provides an additional "Hook" to get people to 1. Fill Out a Form, 2. Walk through the door. You can keep your other effective tools without having to sacrifice/change/alter existing lead generators.
I can tell you what it did for us. First, know all those people who "browse" your site, but you never know who they are or if they buy? We started putting 100 more people a month through our ILM process. You're not going to believe my close rate on Hook Logic leads, so I'm not going to bother posting it. Suffice to say BIG. (for those of you who I've had this convo before about our overall close rate,
add 15%).
Next, how 'bout this conversation with an I-Lead, "I see you're about 25 miles away -- how about I pay for your gas on your visit? Is tonight too early or tomorrow morning better?" Think outside the box a little...
Next, take "scale" into account. OK -- if you're Mom & Pop, go ahead and buy a couple of Gift Cards, keep them in your pocket, and hand them out when you see the coupon. The rest of us? I'm not gonna mess with all that. I'll validate that they were in the store, and I'm done: click, click, out-of-mind.
I'm quite certain that a $25 Gift Card stacked next to a $200 coupon will outperform the later every which way and how -- I'm speaking from experience.
But maybe this is the coolest thing: you don't have to take my word for it -- 100% trackable and 100% accountability -- no guesswork. It worked for me. More leads, traffic and sales -- for $28 bucks or so a delivery. 'Nuff said.