OK, quick question and it may be a dumb one. If we have a computer set up in the dealership that allows customers to write a review on Google, Dealerrater.com ,etc, will that get flagged by any site as fake since they are coming from the same IPO address?
I wish I had time right now to read through this thread in it's entirety. SO MUCH has changed since you posted this in Dec of 2010.
All credible sites have some TOU and means to enforce it, I think you can safely assume that most will use IP as a component of that algorithm to some degree.
I can tell you with 100% certainty it won't post on DealerRater. We've never allowed multiple reviews from the same IP and are staunchly against review collection in the store (I've posted a lot about this here on DealerRefresh and am more than happy to talk off line with anyone that is interested, pm or call me). Until last week at this time I would have said Google doesn't necessarily care, but that appears to have changed. Read
this post from Mike Blumenthal and the associated comment string for more information...
This part really upsets me:
- car dealership reviews are usually, but not always, spammy
If you haven't checked your review content on your Plus page you should. It is likely that you have been the victim of a very aggressive algorithm that is removing, or best case suspending, reviews. The auto industry beat out all others for earning the dubious distinction of "spammy."
I would pay close attention to Mike's comments in regard to "spammy" content:
The ones that I have looked (at)
appear to be guilty of either the misuse of on site terminals to gather reviews or the use of third parties to post feedback cards as reviews.
My opinion only, but this is largely the fault of Vendors and Consultants in this industry that have taken advantage of a hot button issue and sold poorly conceived "solutions" to dealers. I promised not to post in
this thread anymore, but that doesn't stop me from pointing out that the gentlemen that was charging dealers to post CSI scores owes them an apology and a refund...