Nothing monetary should need to be given to a customer to get them to write a review. And with the new laws in place, if they don't disclose the fact they were compensated in some way for the review, the DEALER is the one who gets in trouble.
Chip - FTC Publishes Final Guides Governing Endorsements, Testimonials if you are referring to these new rules by the FTC - hard to enforce. I think these new rules were aimed primarily at bloggers and not users of review sites like yours (google, edmunds, and others as well).
While I don’t agree with paid reviews. Even the FTC has even agreed with the fact that these new rules are confusing, ambiguous, and likely unenforceable in the real world. The size of the internet and the number of online reviews sites and people using them, along with knowing if the reviewer is “professional” or just a “Joe Auto” reviewer. I would like to see them try and figure out who “horneyhoney69” is that did a review and has a free hotmail account. I think the feds have bigger fish to fry.
It also clearly states that the "blogger" or reviewer is the one who gets fined (not the business). How could the business force a consumer to put a "paid for endorsement" on their site/review?
Just my thoughts....