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Going from iMovie to eBiz video


Oct 20, 2009
First Name
Long-time listener, first-time caller. The critical question is in bold, if you want to skip ahead.

We're working towards adding video to our repertoire, and have gotten a workflow together that seems to work pretty well....mostly. While our setup (Canon FS200+wireless mic+iMovie '08*) has worked fine thus far for our uploads to many sites (where by "many" I really mean YouTube, AutoTrader.com, and Facebook).

*The iMac I use came with iLife '08; when iLife '09 came out, it didn't really offer any must-have improvements to our photo workflow and thus we managed to avoid the Reality Distortion Field.

The one nut we have yet to crack, naturally, is our eBizAutos site. I've tried uploading it six ways to Sunday, and nothing has worked to the satisfaction of the system despite meeting all the listed requirements (framerate, bitrate, resolution, file size, deinterlaced). I'm working with their support folks, but no dice yet. Which brings me to the $64 question:

Does anyone have any export settings, techniques, or magic incantations to get files exported from iMovie '08 (or '09, if we must) to upload successfully to eBizAutos' video player?

Much thanks!
If eBizAuto's can't answer that question for you....I don't know what to say? What about embedding video in the site from YouTube or Veoh? That could be your work-around until they figure out how to get their own video software working for you.

We have 3 different vendors that allow video uploads and I have had zero issues with any of them using .MOV files less than 30 MB. One of these vendors starts to cough in the 20+ MB territory, but usually goes through on the second upload attempt.
If eBizAuto's can't answer that question for you....I don't know what to say? What about embedding video in the site from YouTube or Veoh? That could be your work-around until they figure out how to get their own video software working for you.

I won't completely ding eBiz--this may be a matter of not having an answer yet. I know Mac products and their output aren't their forté (their control panel only gets full support in IE, though at least they're kind enough not to throw up one of those obnoxious "Your browser isn't supported, run away or I shall taunt you a second time" messages), but I also figure that there has to be one Mac user out there who's figured it out and y'all seem to have the market cornered on wisdom. With as many codecs and formats as there are for online video, I figure it's not impossible for iMovie to be putting out something eBiz doesn't like by default (or by some other setting).

Emails are still in to their support folks (human-specific addresses, not the generic support address), so I'll let those play out before attacking Plan B. Will update.
I was trying my best not to put my usual "ding" out there :lol:

I haven't tried this myself yet, but the new QuickTime can slice up video for various posting formats. If you have Flip4Mac (Microsoft product that allows WMV files to be played inside QuickTime) you may be able to open a movie in QuickTime and convert it to a WMV. It may require paying for the bigger Flip4Mac version though.

If that doesn't work, I have another solution that I'd need to run you through over the phone.
I haven't tried this myself yet, but the new QuickTime can slice up video for various posting formats. If you have Flip4Mac (Microsoft product that allows WMV files to be played inside QuickTime) you may be able to open a movie in QuickTime and convert it to a WMV. It may require paying for the bigger Flip4Mac version though.

That was one of the things I tried, actually; iMovie '08 offers a choice to export via QuickTime. (Actually produces higher quality output with a smaller file size, it turns out.) I also tried saving iMovie's output again via QuickTime, just in case there was some quirk about how the older iMovie and the current (10.0) QuickTime player interacted. No dice.

I did get an email from eBiz updating--their techies are still looking into a few related things that may be causing the trouble. We'll see--in the meantime, at least General Motors and the used car department have combined to offer me an exceptional job security package in the form of a metric ton of cars to get still photos of. :eek3:
:rofl: at the GM part.

Let me know if you need my other workaround.
Hey, we certainly don't mind the late addition of a bunch of 2009 trucks and Yukons and such, and I'll certainly take any chance to enjoy the creature comforts to keep my hindquarters from freezing off while shooting. I'll get in touch about the workaround next week if eBiz is still going twelve rounds with the file. (Today is Thursday for me, as I'm taking Friday off for a weekend roadtrip. Being back-of-house with a flexible schedule has its benefits. :D)


Are you using a tripod with your FS200? If so which one?
We haven't broken it out yet for a proper shoot (we're holding our fire until eBiz plays nice and I get out from under the aforementioned pile of new inventory), but we did purchase a tripod/monopod combo. Records show it's a Dolica STC-100 kit, available at Newegg for under $40. Not quite as silky-smooth as some tripods I used back in school, but you can't beat the price.
For lack of an update, I'll mention what appears to be the resolution for now: Safari. We tried IE five ways to Friday (including on other computers), but for some reason Safari (which still isn't supported officially) uploads it fine. Who knew?