I am DEFINITELY embracing video. Well, starting to. I am buying a flipshare shortly. But this brings up another great subject - video ideas. I've been writing down ideas for when I have my camera, so far I have:
How to set up Ford Sync
Cool stuff you can do with Sync
setting up your clock.... etc.
-F-150 lariat
videos for pages and forms
"Meet Autofair Ford"
-BDC staff
Customer testimonials
1st responses
I just started that list so I am looking for more ideas. The 1st response video is a really really really good idea, but I don't see us changing CRMs anytime soon, and Autobase is not equipped to handle embedded videos as far as I know. I'm going to have to do some research on this pretty soon. Does anybody have any great ideas for videos that work well for them?