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Henrik Andersson

Green Pea
Jun 27, 2023
First Name
My name is Henrik Andersson and I work for the Swedish company Carcare System Europe.

I am looking for car dealers who can consider being part of a pilot with our software to automatically start measuring their lead times in each desired step for used cars.

We are a startup company backed by external venture capital. Today, we have more than 300 car dealers who have started using our services since the start in 2020. On average, customers have reduced lead time1 (purchased to ready sale) by 35% and lead time3 (sold to delivered) by 50%.

We are completely independent of which DMS, CRM, Test software, Transportation company or other services you use. Our expertise is based on streamlining and neutralizing data into a format that makes it possible to get accurate measurements and clear statistics with improvements in your businesses.

It doesn't matter how big or how small your business is, what matters is that you understand the impact of reduced inventory day costs.

I am now looking outside Europe to see if we can apply our product in the US in a cost-effective pilot project. Happy to book digital meetings to present how it works and answer any questions. Feel free to send a P.M or ask questions in the thread.

- Fast results
- Fast integrations
- Low threshold to get started
- Education on site
- Sales and service market or external partners do not need to learn a new "system".
- Works automatically
- Requires very little time on your part to get started.
- Statistics on all cars, sections, facilities, states, regions, teams, indiviuals etc.
- Export to BI
- etc

Best regards,
Henrik Andersson
+46 730 55 06 58
[email protected]
My name is Henrik Andersson and I work for the Swedish company Carcare System Europe.

I am looking for car dealers who can consider being part of a pilot with our software to automatically start measuring their lead times in each desired step for used cars.

We are a startup company backed by external venture capital. Today, we have more than 300 car dealers who have started using our services since the start in 2020. On average, customers have reduced lead time1 (purchased to ready sale) by 35% and lead time3 (sold to delivered) by 50%.

We are completely independent of which DMS, CRM, Test software, Transportation company or other services you use. Our expertise is based on streamlining and neutralizing data into a format that makes it possible to get accurate measurements and clear statistics with improvements in your businesses.

It doesn't matter how big or how small your business is, what matters is that you understand the impact of reduced inventory day costs.

I am now looking outside Europe to see if we can apply our product in the US in a cost-effective pilot project. Happy to book digital meetings to present how it works and answer any questions. Feel free to send a P.M or ask questions in the thread.

- Fast results
- Fast integrations
- Low threshold to get started
- Education on site
- Sales and service market or external partners do not need to learn a new "system".
- Works automatically
- Requires very little time on your part to get started.
- Statistics on all cars, sections, facilities, states, regions, teams, indiviuals etc.
- Export to BI
- etc

Best regards,
Henrik Andersson
+46 730 55 06 58
[email protected]
When you say "customers", you're referring to your dealers, correct? Just so I understand, you've designed a used vehicle recon software to speed up times from acquisition to front-line-ready (purchase to ready sale) as well as a pre-delivery feature speeding up sold to delivered? Or you've designed a measurement tool to track the times mentioned in each step? Please clarify. Thanks.
Thank you for your reply.
That's correct. Customer = Our customer.

You can speed up your process from acqusition -> ready for sale by tracking and automating the step within that process. You can also speed up your sales time from ready for sale -> sale as well as speed up pre-delivery from sale -> delivery. So it's a combination of what you mentioned. The idea is similar to rapid recon but a lot more focus on automation and data consolidation to lower threshold for usage and speed up the process.

You are probably already measuring from your DMS:

lead time #1: Purchased/contracted to ready for sale
lead time #2: Ready for sale to sold
lead time #3: Sold to delivered

What carcare measure for you is every step "inside" what we call lead time #1 : Have in mind that the image is just exampel. We tailor every used car process for every dealer and facility.

We have tools for lead time #2, but it is lead time #1 and #2 where you can make the main improvements of lower you lead time.

Your success in reducing lead times is impressive and speaks volumes about the potential benefits for dealerships. Expanding into the US market sounds like a logical next step. American dealerships could definitely benefit from tools like yours, especially ones that offer fast integration and minimal learning curves. The fact that you support various systems without requiring a complete overhaul is a huge advantage. I'm sure your software solutions for sales automation will resonate well across different markets. If I were in the industry, I'd definitely check out the details on your website Online Booking Service Me-Pos: Best Business System for Your Business to see how it could optimize operations. Wishing you all the best with your expansion!