#RefreshFriday Legal and Regulatory Items We Should be Paying Attention To | Chris & Brad ComplyAuto

Jeff Kershner

Staff member
May 1, 2005
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What is going on with the FTC's CARS rules?

What about the Graham Leach Bliley Act?

We have covered these before on RefreshFriday and invited ComplyAuto's CEO and Head of Legal to get more perspective on all the things we should be paying attention to right now.

ComplyAuto has been leading the charge helping dealers and vendors stay compliant with the abundance of regulatory items sweeping our industry.

Chris Cleveland is the CEO of ComplyAuto, and Brad Miller recently joined the team as Chief Regulatory & Compliance Officer and Head of Legal. Brad is well-known to NADA members.

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I believe that there will be a CARS Rule adopted in some form. I believe that the general spirit of the proposed rule will stay intact. There will be some "particulars" that will be left out due to the practicality of what would be considered reasonable.

I appreciate the discussion about the Independent Dealerships.