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Looking for suggestions for Call / Text Tracking Number Provider?

I am starting for a client tomorrow and I want to be able to track the phone calls that they get from their website. Straight-up I just want to know how many people are dialing a number so I can measure the leads they are getting. Do any of you guys use a service you could recommend to me? Thanks!
I was using CallRevu then switched to TotalCX (along with our entire PBX) then CallRevu bought TotalCX so now I'm using TotalCX again... There are many players in this space but I've had good experience with CallRevu/TotalCX so I'd hit them up for call tracking. You'll need to make a decision as to whether you port numbers over to them for easier tracking OR use target tracking DIDs. There is a possible call delay with the latter where you may notice a lag in the conversation. It'll depend on your carrier and a couple of other factors. Your client's IT team may baulk at a port over. Just implementing a tracking DID is quicker. CarWars is another but in my experience they're price prohibitive.