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Must Reads!

Ricky, thats's a great selection.
Although it may not help managers, Malcolm Gladwell's books are also good about cutting through the BS and seeing reality for what it is.
That said, many of his books are just as skewed as the studies he tears apart.
Good Stuff! I would recommend every one of these...

Is this your first post here? Really? Hola y bienvenidos Amigo.
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I think he meant it as a good thing.
Like, "Great start for a first post"
Most first posts are "I'm lost and I can't find the way to a bigger income"
HA! Have you ever had a conversation with Stefan? I have and I guarantee you he is just as sarcastic and sharp as I am. That's not what he meant and right now he is laughing bc he knows I'm right! :)
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I included this one in my list over on the older thread that Stefan reminded us all of. I'm suggesting it again since as I just happen to have read it again - The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies

Here is another I'm suggesting - Permission Marketing with our favorite, Mr. Seth Godin.

This is NOT your typical "Leadership" or "How to Manage People/Teams", etc. , however I would consider including it in your Manager Reading Series for the following reasons:
  1. It does potentially fall under your quest for books on Millennials, and marketing to.

  2. The infamous "EMAIL BLAST" - I can't begin tell you how many conversations I have with dealer owners, principles and upper management that want to "EMAIL BLAST" the shit out of every customer lead (pre and post purchase) with NO consideration to whether or not that customer even wants your badly designed, irrelevant, heavy image based email (that when clicked on from a mobile device, lands them on the homepage rather the proper corresponding page because your OEM mandated website provider has yet to offer responsive design) inside their inbox. Of course this email will most likely be considered and marked as SPAM since they surely don't remember using the generic "Contact Us" form on your website 5 months ago to ask a general question about their vehicle...

    ...OR better yet, they used the send-to-a-friend feature on your VDP and for whatever reason your website provider likes to consider this as a "lead" and not only forwards the friend of the sender but also the senders information into your CRM.

    My point being - get your managers onboard and educated around the importance of permission based marketing so they quit asking for that "Email Blast" to your dealers ENTIRE data base of any person that has an email address attached to it on the 27th of the month for that "final push".

@usedcarricky - Solid list, thanks for sharing. And YES -- it's great to see you finally join the Refresh community. Long overdue my friend.

I often drive 5hrs from VT to NY. I love audio books, but podcasts & video presentations are awesome.

If your into high-level strategy, I google ANYTHING from my favorite minds:

Geoffrey Moore (author of 'The Chasm')

dig thru PARC labs series for other gems

`Dr Clay Christensen
(author of 'Disruptive Innovation')

AG Lafley
, CEO of P&G (easily, one of the smartest leaders of our day)


Malcolm Gladwell
(so many great & entertaining high level stories)

Michael Lewis
(author of 'Moneyball')

Eric Schmidt, ex CEO of Google (awesome look into 'How Google Works')

(interviewed by Marissa Mayer, ex-Google'er & CEO of Yahoo)

"Talks at Google" awesome series
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If you have ever heard Scott Stratten speak at a conference you know his disdain for QR Codes. This is a pretty good read with a lot of funny examples on how businesses just plain look silly when using QR's thinking they are being high tech. I really like page 6 in the book since it contains a pic of a local business that I sent to Scott and he used it in the boook :)

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