I don't know if being happy about the Cars.com representative getting a cancellation is a good thing, he/she is just a sales person making a living with the programs that corporate gives to them. I think that in general they have very little say on what can/can't do for you.
As of the Dealer refresh community being OK wight he cancellations, let me say that as much as I hate the tactics of some 3rd party providers in the end business comes down to a common sense equation:
Do we get enough leads/sales for the money that we pay?
If the answer is yes, keep it. If the answer is no, cancel it.
I have seen something interesting over the years with CraisgList (not a 3rd party provider but close). A lot of dealers get in, leads count drops for each specific dealer, when a lot of dealers get out, suddenly starts to work for the ones that stayed. The ones that stay start to tell people, and the reps start to show their numbers, so more dealers get in, leads drop, etc. See the cycle?
I don't know if the lead "issue" will ever be resolved, there are more cars for sale than buyers! If anything the future looks more complicated as more technologies make advertising harder to understand.
Many dealers will find that to produce your own leads also takes money so what you thought you were saving from Autotrader and Cars.com is just going to go to someone else (namely: Google).
To me the key to the change is again that simple common sense equation, are we better off now doing our own thing or not? Some dealers will realize that to be really successful in this lead market you are going to have to hire some pretty smart people like Joe Pistell, Alex Snyder, Jeff, etc (all worked at dealerships before becoming a vendor). It is not easy to find them, it is not easy to keep them, and when they leave they are not easy to replace.
Every change comes with positive and negative consequences, be prepared for both.