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Recent Article Says We Should Split GMB Into 3 Profiles..?


Green Pea
Oct 2, 2020
First Name
Anyone have thought's here?

Automotive dealership service departments face intense competition not just fromeach other, but also from local repair facilities, collision repair shops, parts stores

As customers rely on Google searches to do everything from nding theright business to reading reviews by their peers, dealership service departmentsmust sharpen their marketing tools to appear in search results.Most businesses have one primary Google Business Prole page. However, thosewith departments that operate as distinct entities, typically dened as having aseparate entrance on the exterior of the building, can benet from their own page.

The secondary Google Business ProleThe primary category of your prole page is its top search-ranking factor. Eachcategory is dierent, with distinct competitive sets in the Google universe. As such,choosing “car dealer” or “auto body shop” will vastly change the way your businessis ranked and discovered by prospective customers.You will rank higher in local search for distinct categories to each dealershipdepartment. When setting up your business prole, you’ll want to note what yourcompetitors are using if you’re looking to rank among them.

It’s equally important to understand how Google search works, particularlyregarding how your page and dealership are ranked. The top three local rankingfactors for prole pages in order are: Google Business Prole page information;reviews; and searcher proximity.This makes top-level dealership information of utmost importance if you want to befound. It’s impossible to show up in search as a “car dealer,” an “automotive servicecenter” and an “auto body shop” at once. The only way to reliably compete across

Separate Google profile for service department can pay dividendsheach of these categories is to have individual Google Business Prole pages foreach business.Given the weight placed on keyword density and review volume in search, it’s alsocrucial to ensure reviews are left under the right dealership unit’s prole page.However, it’s worth noting customers won’t easily nd your department page wherethey can leave reviews, especially as you’re getting started. Your customers are notstudents of this strategy, and they simply won’t care as much as you will aboutdelineating where the review is posted.Effectiveness of secondary dealership prolesWe’ve already established automotive dealerships are ideal for multiple GoogleBusiness Prole pages, and fortunately it’s possible to explore what they look like inpractice.Koons Annapolis Toyota, a Widewail client, dominates both retail and servicesearches for the Annapolis, Md., region. Performing a Google search for “Toyotadealership Annapolis Maryland” delivers immediate results that direct you to itssales Google Business Prole page.On the other hand, a Google search for “Toyota service Annapolis” brings up thedealership’s service Google Business Prole page. It’s a distinct and importantdierence that sets the stage for the dealership to compete against a wide range ofbusinesses, including other dealerships, quick-change oil shops, national chainsand independent repair facilities. Dealerships are poised to be early adopters of thisnew marketing channel.Getting it right from the startThere are plenty of examples of dealerships that have multiple Google BusinessProle pages but aren’t getting the benet because department-specic reviewsaren’t being posted appropriately. It’s incumbent on dealerships to employ amultiple Google Business Prole strategy to help educate customers and promptthem to leave reviews in the right place.

When done well, this strategy creates a vibrant and eective channel that generateshigh-value leads and bottom-line results. In the case of Koons Annapolis Toyota, thedealership sought help to set up the behind-the-scenes operational mechanisms todrive reviews to the right place and manage the process of capturing them withinthe bigger brand.As a result, Koons enjoys a more proportionate distribution of review volume. Itsdealership Google Business Prole page has 4,752 reviews and an average 4.8-starrating, while its service center page has 912 reviews with an average 4.5-star rating.Setting up and managing your page the right way can be complex. Companiesengineered to support and understand its ins and outs will remove the guesswork,get you o on the right foot and track the success of this new and eectivemarketing method.


  • Separate Google profile for service department can pay dividends.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 4
Rofl sorry, It wouldnt let me go back and edit what a terrible job I pasted from trying to remove any copyright claims from where the original article came from so I didnt break any rules. Logged in the next day, felt shame, couldnt find an edit button.
I have recently been encouraged (by reputation.com) to create separate "departments" for Service & Parts on GMB. I have been painfully unable to do so because Google likes to make things difficult.
My issue has been verifying the Service & Parts departments. Phone calls won't come in, can't use text because it's a landline, and the video verification is stupid and would mean I have to trek up and down the road to find signs showing our street, all in under the suggested 2 minutes or so. The nearest sign is almost 1,000' from the front of our store. I might have a stroke if I try to run that within the suggested time limit.
Good luck to me trying to speak to an actual person at Google; English-speaking or otherwise!

I would love more input on all this.
We've had a few clients go through the exact same situation. I would suggest video verification but like you said, you have to hustle to get everything done in the time frame they provided and it could still be rejected. A few pointers....

I would do this early in the morning because we found out you can't put people's faces in the video.
Don't swivel around or pan the camera too fast.
Plan your route to keep the recording as short as possible.

Good luck!

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