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Reynolds & Reynolds Launches CarLocate.com - WTF for?

Jeff Kershner

Staff member
May 1, 2005
First Name
Ok, here's one for ya!!

Reynolds and Reynolds Launches CarLocate.com

Reynolds and Reynolds announced today the nationwide roll-out of a new product for automotive dealers and the car-buying public: CarLocate.com, a car search portal designed to offer a better way for consumers to find a car they want to buy and to give dealerships another proven way to market their vehicle inventory to more consumers.

Ok, seriously..what is ReyRey doing exhausting efforts in a project like this when they have SO MANY MORE areas, just in their dealer website platform, that could have used the resources to improve their existing products rather a project that will go NO WHERE.

Here is a fun quote for you...

“We’re not just another media company or Internet start-up looking for a way to replace classified ads or clicks, like many of the sites out there today,†Hiers said. “We are experts in automotive retailing and in technology and in bringing the two together, which is what we’ve done with CarLocate.com.â€


Benefits for Dealerships

Eight out of ten car buyers typically shop online for a vehicle before visiting a dealership. CarLocate.com is designed to help dealers reach consumers more cost-effectively and to extend the value of the dealer’s data in the DMS.

I'm wondering where the real benefit here is for the dealer or the consumer.

How are they going to market this site? SEO only??

It doesn't say in the PR, but I wonder if they are planning on charging dealers for this? :rofl: