Hey Kyle,
If you were browsing off of that link you were likely on the .ca site for Canadian Dealers.
Loved the dubstep part too... Would it make you go out of your way? Maybe not. Could it be that "X-Factor" that you don't consciously realize when you choose to deal with Capital Ford instead of the other Ford stores that are all within $100 of each other on a Fusion? Maybe.
If I was truly afraid of dealing with an aggressive sales person that was going to try to hard close me when all I want is to see and touch the car, I ABSOLUTELY would feel more comfortable contacting Matthew over a rep that sent me a price and asked "how soon can you get here." I know he's a human and I get a good sense of how he would handle me as a customer. The video shows his lighthearted nature in a way that no other medium can pre-visit. That's just my opinion, of course, but I am hearing a ton of good stuff about the video integration on the MyReviews pages from my dealers. It makes sense to me.
The purpose of this page and the video intros is to humanize the rep. Lead-to-Show is arguably the most important metric in the ZMOT era and I think Mitch's lighthearted videos go a LONG way to help them win that battle as a part of the individual page strategy. Clearly not every dealer is Capital Ford and this flavor isn't for everybody, but I think any salesperson that takes the extra step to humanize themselves to that lead is impacting their lead-to-show ratio positively.