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Nice Job Chris!! Are you going after Mercedes specifically or keeping it to "how to program a garage door opener" in general?

It's a shame your your outer surroundings were not cooperating during the shoot.

Thanks Jeff. I was originally targeting the benz owners but I'm getting a lot of general traffic and a good attention span that's keeping it high on google. This video was shot using the built in mic on a Canon Vixia HG20 and edited with Premiere Elements. It was early in our video experimenting days but I'm satisfied with this video. I've gotten sidetracked by a lot of other projects and am starting to get back on the video track with a Canon 5D MarkII and Final Cut.

What camera are you guys using? Your photos in our software are a weird resolution of 640x431. You should change them to be 4:3 ratio 640x480. Also I think you are manually putting the watermark on the photos which we can do for you automatically. Have you thought about using our VinCamera at all?

Link to see more of your photos and the turntable
Inventory Gallery

I love the turntable!