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Actually speaking the traffic and participation has not decreased at all. Though during the end of each month we do see a dip. But other than that, the traffic has been and continues be be very strong and growing.

With that being said, it's never been easy to get dealers to talk and participate in an open forum.

As for the moderation. I personally apologize, but cut me a little slack. DealerRefresh has progressed into a full time job. I'm up each evening, many into the morning hours administrating DealerRefresh blog and forum. Ask my family. I've / we've worked very hard to help build this community and provide an area for us to converse, network and share opinions.

Every now and then, a thread may get caught in the moderation filters. It's nothing personal. It's just happens. We need to have a level of security or else the bots would take over. Believe me when I say there are hours a week dedicated to moderation, spam filtering and the deletion of bots that are notorious for crashing online communities. I work very hard to prevent this from happening to the community.

Yago, Doug - you're the last 2 people that I would have thought would take this approach to communicating your "concerns".

Honestly, I'm a sensitive guy and having to write this has me a little chocked up.