Alex Snyder

President Skroob
Staff member
May 1, 2006
First Name
@joe.chura suggested we create a place for positivity and that is a pretty damn good idea. Here it is! An entire forum dedicated to positive and refreshing topics. Bring on the rainbows and unicorns :rofl:

Please start a thread any time you wish to share something positive. As this is an entirely new forum there will probably be some evolution. The global forum rules still apply and any negative threads will be moved.

Have you had any eureka moments at work? Did someone recently lend a hand that made a difference for you? Did the service department turn more ROs than ever? Did you just set a sales record?
Alex, thank you. You're the best!

The auto fam is composed of some of the most philanthropic people I know. That being said there's definitely a lack of awareness on what we are all doing. If we can create visibility I know we can do more, and dare I say, make the world a better place. With the power of this audience, there is no doubt our efforts will drive greater outcomes. @Todd Caputo of Used Car King is a great example of someone doing an amazing thing for the community yet many don't know. He created a charity called Give to Others where you can donate items that other non-profits need. Think about all the things you have lying around. If you're like me you bring them to GoodWill on a yearly basis. Todd created a great outlet that can help these other charities with their operations. How many of these amazing philanthropic ideas are out there that we just don't know about?

I wanted to drive awareness to an event I created called ReFuel which is a non-marketing, non-automotive, non-for-profit one day conference meant to "Inspire" (pun intended).

It all started back in early 2015 when I attended the Automotive Leadership Summit which featured a fantastic keynote speaker, Cedric King, who inspired me and a few others to run the 2015 Chicago Marathon. As a non-runner, I can say hearing the words of someone who overcame adversity had a massive impact on me. Having had back and heart surgery earlier in my life I somewhat limited myself from pushing boundaries. I thought if hearing words could inspire me to do something big, to change my mindset, how could I share that kind of experience with my Dealer Inspire family? How could I inspire them? Surely I couldn’t send everyone to a conference (we had 250 people at that time), but what if I brought a conference to them. Voila. REFUEL was born.

While ReFuel was created for my team, I realized that the cost of a bigger venue was nominal, so why not invite our dealer partners, friends, neighbors, family, etc. Anyone that could get something out of the day.

This one-day conference/summit/gathering is really meant to give back—to allow people to truly "refuel" and reflect on the past year, and of course, get charged up for the year to come. Whether your a vendor, manager, salesperson— it doesn't matter. We all feel the grind from time to time and yet seldom do anything to help ourselves. I know personally when I feel good I'm a better leader, Father, husband, and friend. We all need inspiration from time to time to get over the humps of life.

In 2017 we had our first REFUEL and had almost 200 attendees outside my work family. Last year that number more than doubled to nearly 400 attendees (800 total). This year, we are selling out.

It’s hard to describe the day quickly, but I can promise it is a fantastic event for YOU and your team. We have a couple of local businesses that are now shutting down for the day and bringing their entire organizations. I know not everyone can do that, but I will say it’s worth thinking about having REFUEL at least as a reward to employees that will get the most out of it.

This year’s lineup is stellar:

  • David Goggins, Navy SEAL, Army Ranger, & Ultra-marathon runner
  • Chris Gardner, Author and Real-Life Inspiration of The Pursuit of Happyness
  • Jeremy Cowart, Award-Winning Photographer, Artist, & Entrepreneur
  • Russ Rausch, CEO of VisionPursue, Wellness Coach
  • Nicki Anderson, Entrepreneur, Author, & Community Leader
  • Maysoon Zayid, Actress, Comedian, & TedX Speaker
We will also have workshops on nutrition, meditation, happiness, discipline, yoga, and leadership training. There is NO better value anywhere for the price of this ticket: $75 General Admission (including lunch) and $150 VIP (preferred seating and extra benefits). You owe this to yourself at the very least. Best of all, ticket proceeds go to a local charity, Loaves & Fishes, that happens to be our neighbor in Naperville. We have also announced in partnership with T.A.P.S and PR that we are giving away up to 30 tickets for Veterans. For more info or to get tickets click here.
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