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What AI search engines are you using?

A few weeks back I was saying that search is going to be basically a system OS level feature.

The problems?
censorship, if you aren't an authority on content then you will never be looked at, basically results are going to be like wikipedia and Yelp combined.

For some things, this is beyond amazing and excellent.
- on my jeep gc 2014, what is fuse 13 for?
This only needs 1 answer.

But now we have lost the hidden knowledge that you could have discovered like a 2019 uconnect can be added to a 2018 if you get the usb hub and some other items.
A few weeks back I was saying that search is going to be basically a system OS level feature.

The problems?
censorship, if you aren't an authority on content then you will never be looked at, basically results are going to be like wikipedia and Yelp combined.

For some things, this is beyond amazing and excellent.
- on my jeep gc 2014, what is fuse 13 for?
This only needs 1 answer.

But now we have lost the hidden knowledge that you could have discovered like a 2019 uconnect can be added to a 2018 if you get the usb hub and some other items.
That’s quite right about the availability of information with the the concept of AI search engines resulting in censorship and limited results. I find it quite peculiar that you have chosen this example of searching for certain information regarding to your Jeep GC 2014. Here are a few I tested, Google’s BARD and Microsoft’s Bing AI. Both are good, though I have also been checking some of the other search engines mostly dealing with privacy issues such as DuckDuckGo and StartPage.
AI is much much more than a search tool and the landscape and capabilities is changing rapidly and will continue to do so. For dealers, tap into the data analysis, it can quickly and easily help you analyze statistics, trends, etc. You can upload a pdf or set of numbers and it will calculate and analyze whatever data you need to look at. I've had it analyze things like 6 years of lead source data to help with demographic analysis, totals and more. If you always wanted to program (code) things yourself, AI will write the code for you, all you need to do is run it. Want a new website or web page, AI will create it for you. Copy everything on a VDP and paste it into AI asking it to create a clean friendly ad for Facebook, X, Instagram or wherever. I'm using the paid version of ChatGPT 4.o and I use the free version of ‎Claude 3.5 Sonnet. This fellow is very active in the latest AI developments on youtube, Future Tools - Find The Exact AI Tool For Your Needs Matt Wright. Have fun!
You would be amazed at how much Search is going to change over the next 18 months. Dealers and their agencies need to understand what will be happening and how to be ready. SEO will be different for sure. Far too much to type here. :)
SEO won't be that different, really - you still have to have the answers customers are seeking on your site, structured in a way that's easy to find and easy to understand... so not that much changes!
SEO won't be that different, really - you still have to have the answers customers are seeking on your site, structured in a way that's easy to find and easy to understand... so not that much changes!

I can see content creation becoming more important than site-structuring. The AI searches I've seen have been highly focused on user discussions that directed it to certain sites. For example: "what is the best pizza in Vermont" led it to various forums and Reddit threads that then showed the business results as those company's pages along with the discussions it analyzed to deliver those results. And those results were fairly spot-on in my opinion.

Compared to the same search in Duck Duck Go (because :321: Google), it delivers all the corporate pizza places like Dominos and the closest local places to me.

The AI did not give Dominos as a result, so there is a win right there :D

The AI search results came back in an easy-to-digest paragraph with results bulleted underneath. It looked at the entire state instead of what was closest to me (AKA answered my question) and worked off of human discussions instead of site structures and user reviews on Yelp.

If anything, AI search is going to make "SEO" more important as a content generation tool that builds engagement with visitors. Businesses are going to need people speaking about their businesses and that requires good content... and other things.
On a different note, these AI searches are making me realize the importance of DealerRefresh. If these systems are better at deciphering human conversation (thus not needing site structuring and meta techniques) and heavily weighing that content, a site with nearly 20 years of user-generated content might do a little better than others. In terms of automotive technology discussions, we will have to see if/how Facebook does something to make all the group discussions available.
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