First, you don’t trust anyone who tells you they are a social marketing guru or expert – they are few and far between. A matter of fact, they don't exist. Second, social media IS like other media outlets. It is measurable like any other source of traffic. You just have to take the few seconds to ask, “Where did you hear about us?†You can set up an email address like, facebook@ or twitter@, or use the many lead-generating forms and apps that are available off-the-shelf for sourcing. It’s just like a Website.
I will agree that it isn’t an easily mined media, and conventions AND best practices vary from vertical to vertical. Is it magical? Absolutely not! It’s only one channel that integrates into an online and offline marketing strategy. It’s not a standalone marketing solution or something to put all you equity, eggs or budget into.
Not all business is treated equal, but the numbers and traffic are there – and advertising and fan page activity will continue to boom and be in the peripheral (like all other media), and wind up on newsfeeds in front of customers and prospects. Culturally, social media is becoming like the morning newspaper … but available all day. Like when people used to read newspapers, you are primarily there for the news, weather and the funnies … with a healthy mixture of ads that do influence buying choices.
I’ve never judged an audience based on my personal online habits or preferences. I know that I’m not the average Internet or social media user. I’d say I’m a moderate social media user at best … If your Electric bike retailer had a message on your FB wall with a deal that was fall-out-of-your-office-chair outstanding, wouldn’t you give a call? Why wouldn’t consumers be the same way with cars? Or see an oil change or any service special on the way out the door to work? Maybe it’s a free car wash, which gets customers back in the dealership. Yes, there is a lot of branding and top-of-mind value to SM, but you can also effectively sell; especially a disposable status symbol like a vehicle.
Case in point, I was looking at your profile earlier (before this last message), went to your site and discovered
Joe's Old Cars - Classic, Antique, Vintage Vehicles. Loved it! 1940’s anything is on my bucket list for the near future (Fair prospect here.) I looked at every listing – check your Web stats. I bookmarked it … But, honestly, if you had a Facebook fan page … I’d prefer to follow you there. And, I’d be more prone to see updates in inventory (If posted) on FB than to revisit a site that will be lost in my endless void of bookmarks.