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What Defines A Successful Automotive Social Media Strategy

Ford was an early SM player. I think they even admitted that they didn't know what they were doing in the first few years ... or had corporate support. Hopefully ... by now each OEM has a social media best practices handbook that gets routinely ignored by dealers.

See, no metrics were used in my last few responses. :) VERY tempting though!
First, you don’t trust anyone who tells you they are a social marketing guru or expert – they are few and far between. A matter of fact, they don't exist. Second, social media IS like other media outlets. It is measurable like any other source of traffic. You just have to take the few seconds to ask, “Where did you hear about us?†You can set up an email address like, facebook@ or twitter@, or use the many lead-generating forms and apps that are available off-the-shelf for sourcing. It’s just like a Website.

I will agree that it isn’t an easily mined media, and conventions AND best practices vary from vertical to vertical. Is it magical? Absolutely not! It’s only one channel that integrates into an online and offline marketing strategy. It’s not a standalone marketing solution or something to put all you equity, eggs or budget into.

Not all business is treated equal, but the numbers and traffic are there – and advertising and fan page activity will continue to boom and be in the peripheral (like all other media), and wind up on newsfeeds in front of customers and prospects. Culturally, social media is becoming like the morning newspaper … but available all day. Like when people used to read newspapers, you are primarily there for the news, weather and the funnies … with a healthy mixture of ads that do influence buying choices.

I’ve never judged an audience based on my personal online habits or preferences. I know that I’m not the average Internet or social media user. I’d say I’m a moderate social media user at best … If your Electric bike retailer had a message on your FB wall with a deal that was fall-out-of-your-office-chair outstanding, wouldn’t you give a call? Why wouldn’t consumers be the same way with cars? Or see an oil change or any service special on the way out the door to work? Maybe it’s a free car wash, which gets customers back in the dealership. Yes, there is a lot of branding and top-of-mind value to SM, but you can also effectively sell; especially a disposable status symbol like a vehicle.

Case in point, I was looking at your profile earlier (before this last message), went to your site and discovered Joe's Old Cars - Classic, Antique, Vintage Vehicles. Loved it! 1940’s anything is on my bucket list for the near future (Fair prospect here.) I looked at every listing – check your Web stats. I bookmarked it … But, honestly, if you had a Facebook fan page … I’d prefer to follow you there. And, I’d be more prone to see updates in inventory (If posted) on FB than to revisit a site that will be lost in my endless void of bookmarks.

I just recently started following Blogs by "liking" them if they had the plugin included in the sidebar. I also added this to my blog and its amazing how easy it is to get fans if you put it in their face.

If I really like a site I will book mark it. Chances of me remembering it are very slim.

If I LOVE a site I will

-Sign up for their newsletter updates
-Follow on Facebook (if the Like box is there, don't want to navigate back to FB)
-Follow on Twitter

If they are updating their site with new content on a regular basis I will find them one way or another.
Ford was an early SM player. I think they even admitted that they didn't know what they were doing in the first few years ... or had corporate support. Hopefully ... by now each OEM has a social media best practices handbook that gets routinely ignored by dealers.

See, no metrics were used in my last few responses. :) VERY tempting though!


"No metrics & VERY Tempting"? hahaha NOT!

Why do people ignore the obvious? Opportunity is EVERYWHERE. FB is but one opportunity.

Someone.. anyone, give me a budget for Social Media and compare that $spend$ against my digital marketing suggestions and it won't be a fair fight. I'll completely blow the SM results into a vapor. No cheating, no short cuts, Social Media must be done RIGHT for it to work. MB Motorsports has the most complete FB model I've ever seen. Create the budget for Free gift cards, Free Detailing, videos galore (coreograph, shoot, edit, upload, post), incl time to administer contests. Don't forget the talent needed to pull this all together.

Is this FB Talent? (this is a real post)
Paul J Nunley If you want to get the straight scoop from an honest salesman, call my brother, Chuck. Other than myself, he is the only one in the entire state that will not give you a load of bs, complete straight shooter.
If you need his number, contact me.
For those few Dealers that are already super organized* and already have all the BASICS down and are looking for branding opportunities, THEN Social Media is a logical extension to an already robust digital marketing system.

While I'm shoving coal in the furnace, Friend-ing Ford has few parallels to Friend-ing Bobs Corner Ford Store. Ford is the product, Bobs Corner Ford Store is the point of purchase. For Bob's Ford to KEEP his audience, he needs talent to "entertain" his friends because his audience only needs him once every 4 years. This talent is hard to find and hard to recruit & train. Hell, dealers can't figure out google paid ads, let alone crafting a Social Media message that is not promotion laden.

*e.g. CheckeredFlag, Younger, Walser, AuctionDirectUSA, MB Motorsports, etc
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I recall that they said about the Web a few years back … a tool for branding. And like the Web, it’ll take only one or two FB mega retail success stories to set things off.

A highly successful business takes organization and good resources. It also takes the realization that not all sales and marketing efforts will give immediate gratification or produce a sharp jump on a graph. I’m aware that many companies operate with a catch and release sales philosophy – I’ve worked for a few. And they wondered why incoming call volume was dead to poor after being in business for 10+ years. That’s often the difference between sales and marketing.

Social media can produce POSITIVE results and direct sales. And it’s not just a branding tool (Which is hardly a bad thing.) Within the 4 year cycle, you can influence repeat service business, grow prospects and referrals.

I would have been lost at “honest salesman.†I agree, everyone is jumping on the SM bandwagon, and there are many “experts†… As there were 17 years ago with the Web. But like all sales and marketing efforts … the proof is in the direct results.

If you know who to look for, it’s not hard to train.
...You suggest that consumers really don't want to chat with their dealers and that begs the question why are some dealers claiming otherwise?

Is Ford's success with social media more related with their OEM status (original creator) and not something that is inherited to their dealers?

That's why I'm trying to understand what is working so that we can recognize dealers that have unlocked some elements of success.


Just whom are these dealers that claim otherwize? And, what is the quality of their claims? Do they fall prey to anecdotal evidence rather than tangible? Are their claims led by "feelings" or evidence?

If you find ANY evidence of ROI, please wake me out of my FB coma.
...it’ll take only one or two FB mega retail success stories to set things off..


Look at your review, 100% based in feelings. You draw connections to some-what related topics (Ford OE & the Ford Dealer) and smile like it'll all come together if you just try. Sorry, you're off on a Social Media unicorn sprinkling daisies and rainbows talking about the promise of success stories that are just waiting to explode... someday.

Dood, Grandma's on FB! Look! --> facebook.com's (rank #3) Site Profile | Compete 132 million visitors per month for Gods sake. FaceBook has reached it's zenith, Show me the ALL the REPEATABLE car dealer success stories.


Always be on guard about your feelings. Know when they are doing the talking and be prepared to back them up with facts if you need funding to chase your ideas. If you get old and wize, you'll adopt one of my safety mechanisms that keeps me in check: "Just because it's a good idea doesn't mean it will work"
Did somebody say, MB Motorsports?

Here's my take.

Do people go to facebook to find their next car? No.
Are people going to follow you because of your specials on Facebook? a few maybee, most won't care
Do people socialize and ask their friends for advice on Facebook? Yes.

True story, I sat down with one of our salesman trying to show him how to use facebook. We logged on and searched -mb motorsports - posts by everyone. What came up? A local woman who's status said - Anyone know a local used car dealer that won't rip me off? Her status had 2 comments by friends of hers. 1st - you have to go to mb motorsports in tinton falls, they are awesome. 2nd - OMG, I just bought a car from them and they were great! My salesguy turns to me and says "that lady bought a car from me yesterday". The lady who asked advice of her friends.

Facebook is a tool to brand your dealership. You got your previous customers, future customers, local business that support you - all listening to what your saying on FB. Engage them, Become their FRIENDS. That's what it's all about. They don't want to hear about your lease special. I don't believe in using FB to sell. I've never advertised that we sell car detail gift certificates on FB. But this holiday season we were approached by our fans and we sold some . All because they remembered us from our free detail contest's. That's how I know it works. Sales come organically from FB. Build up the biggest local following you can and you'll sell some cars off of it, and don't spend too much time doing it.
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No, it's based on 15+ years on marketing experience. Social media is not a unicorn -- it's the same old horse with a plastic horn glued on to it. As Jesse proves, social activity through branding (or fairy dust) leads to sales. AND, he's been able to track it.

I'm really not trying to convince you otherwise. I guess you don't see the parallels with when the Web was new.
No, it's based on 15+ years on marketing experience. Social media is not a unicorn -- it's the same old horse with a plastic horn glued on to it. As Jesse proves, social activity through branding (or fairy dust) leads to sales. AND, he's been able to track it.

I'm really not trying to convince you otherwise. I guess you don't see the parallels with when the Web was new.

Oh shit the unicorm came out... Lets do this

See ... they are real!!!