This thread inspired me last night.
Been coming by this site for years and never felt I had much to contribute. Finally logged in and made a comment the other day and now this.
I've built about half a dozen dealer sites in the last five years and always use WordPress.
In order to accomplish this I've written about a dozen different PlugIns and a couple themes.
Last night I packaged up the primary PlugIn and uploaded it to the repository at
WordPress › Car Demons « WordPress Plugins
If any of you are considering taking the plunge at managing your own WordPress site this might be a good starting point.
I've been considering uploading it for sometime and then selling the themes and advanced PlugIns (like Facebook Inventory, MailChimp Integration, etc).
I even registered a domain name and built a site for it, but I simply don't have the time or funds to start a company or to refine the PlugIns to perfection.
Sooooo, in an effort to give back to the community here I've decided to release everything for free.
You can go to and use the code 'c1d2z9' to get into the site. After Nov. 1st I'll change the access code until I can support the projects properly, but the main PlugIn will always be available at
In the meantime perhaps this will help someone else out there.
I'll log out and go back to trolling now.