RE: "This is all natural business evolution spinning in a world that has been catapulting beyond any level of human imagination since 1900. To think the status quo will remain is wishful thinking, and I feel sorry for anyone who has a fantasy like that. Let's evolve; let's do more!"
And because of this new era we can loose ourselves in the noise that's out there. There are simply so many predictions of new ideas and vendors trying to sell them the basics are being lost. No one who has been in the business for awhile has survived by being a status quo person. But I'll tell you what IS status quo. Selling big ticket items in a negotiating environment with complex credit issues and negative equity will remain a business that depends on relationships.
Before making any wild predictions about the future one should at least become familiar with the Federal Trade Commission. One should also become familiar with the term "disintermediation."
And because of this new era we can loose ourselves in the noise that's out there. There are simply so many predictions of new ideas and vendors trying to sell them the basics are being lost. No one who has been in the business for awhile has survived by being a status quo person. But I'll tell you what IS status quo. Selling big ticket items in a negotiating environment with complex credit issues and negative equity will remain a business that depends on relationships.
Before making any wild predictions about the future one should at least become familiar with the Federal Trade Commission. One should also become familiar with the term "disintermediation."