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WTF guys - why only on Facebook? RefreshFriday

I know, in general, there's a lot of dislike for Facebook. However, the little notification that I get from FB that says "Dealer Refresh is LIVE" is what makes me tune in. Every Friday I tell myself, "Hey, it's Friday! Don't forget to tune in!" And sure enough, every Friday I get distracted and forget until I see that "Is Now LIVE" notification from FB. Do something similar on whatever platform you want, and I'll still tune in!

Also, I really like the fact that you go "live". It allows for real time reactions/interactions and allows the viewer to feel like they're participating in the great ideas being shared that day! I'm not a fan of it being recorded, edited, text formatted, etc.
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Some thoughts from my end:
  1. I'm so tired of Facebook and their video watching experience is not great. Live video on YouTube and other platforms works better, has less notifications/interruptions and doesn't require me to be on Facebook, which is a dead platform to me.

  2. If you've already decided that you're alright with posting the unedited "live stream" to YouTube, then that might be the easiest way. It would take less time to clip the talking at the beginning out, normalize the audio in 1 pass and then upload that file to YouTube. If I'm not mistaken, you can also automate the bumper at the beginning of the episode through YouTube (can add to all videos at once).

  3. For the podcast portion, I've had good experiences with using Zencastr for the recordings (records each guest separately), but even with the Zoom audio you can host it and distribute it to all major platforms using LibSyn.

    Ideally, you can get the process down so that you get the email from Zoom, run it through a batch processor, then upload one file to YouTube and one file to LibSyn.

    My $0.02
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