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I prefer ISMs working cradle to grave

great thread guys.

I see there is no one process that'll make it work. My take away is: Management that sees whats needed, decides what fits their model and works it hard.

Everything seems to boil down to vision and hard work.

I was actually hoping to see some variants between individual ISMs and a BDC. It seems that John has a passion for his BDC. Either that or he needs to quit drinking at work.
Doug, I respect your position. I can get better ROI and much more stability with a BDC/Appointment Setter set-up.

(Feels like deja vu all over again...)

:iagree: a good BDC exists on good process. Cradle to grave salespeople are not scalable because the talent-base is minuscule. A BDC is scalable, easy to manage, easier to hire for, and will net a lot more productivity than an individually talented salesman.

Doug - if your experience is solely with small single-point dealerships then I completely understand why you'd make the statements you're making.

P.S. The secret to a good BDC is incentivizing the sales managers to support it and incentivizing the BDC to pick up the phone. If you can't accomplish that, your BDC is destined for failure.
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:iagree: a good BDC exists on good process. Cradle to grave salespeople are not scalable because the talent-base is minuscule. A BDC is scalable, easy to manage, easier to hire for, and will net a lot more productivity than an individually talented salesman.

Doug - if your experience is solely with small single-point dealerships then I completely understand why you'd make the statements you're making.

P.S. The secret to a good BDC is incentivizing the sales managers to support it and incentivizing the BDC to pick up the phone. If you can't accomplish that, your BDC is destined for failure.

Yes, my experience was with single point stores. I didn't have issues acquiring salespeople because the department sold 70% of the cars. When I left, I had an assistant and nine ISMs. Our problems were infrastucture: computers, desks, phones, drops. For the same reason, a BDC was out of the question. We had new car inventory parked on two lots that were 4 miles from the store.

Ya'll just like having a bunch of women. I can see John's interview process. Walk up to the wall. If your nose of feet touch first, your out.
Insight from under the rock...

I still have to handle every chat and send every e-mail (new & fu's) in my ILM (and for anyone in the building), but I CAN NOT talk to the customers on the phone or floor, save extreme circumstances--that is the responsibility of my dedicated salesman (formerly leads were handled selectively on the open floor yet e-mailed by me). All inbound calls, regardless of origin, go directly to the floor.
This new process just finished it's first month and we saw >50% drop in “internet sales” (well, after I dig through the paper log I might find a few more that were snagged on the floor)

Next month “Cyber Kelly’s” Internet Team will be merging with “Special Mark’s” Finance Team…I’ll check back to let you know how that goes.

I have to get back to my afterhours site changes and graphics…

At least there’s wine under the rock!

And Doug, if we all used John’s interview process, I wouldn't “Cyber Kelly,” just head of the class.
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Sorry I did not jump on this thread yesterday when it started, but I had a busy day.

Math???? That must be Obama math. I would put my weakest ISM against your two best clerks on appointment setting. You just don't get pros at $10/hr.

Easy now, I did spend a few months mystery shopping and training John's team, plus John is not a weak willy manager. I'd take this bet if John were still there.

I see there is no one process that'll make it work. My take away is: Management that sees whats needed, decides what fits their model and works it hard.

Bingo! Uncle Joe is right again. Both systems can work, it all comes down to accountability. My company preforms over a hundred mystery shops each and every month and we see good and bad from both. In the end it's the stores that are properly managed and trained that get it right.

Cradle to grave allows you to build a relationship with the customer from start ti finish. With a BDC that relationship has to be broken along the way. BDC's generally execute better on time since there's always a person there ready to respond to the lead. With a cradle to graver what happens if all reps or busy on a day or time when the department is lightly staffed? Both solutions have their pros and cons.

I think you should take this to a new level. See if Jerry has any contacts in India. You could get a get a crew of phone ninjas working out of India for about $3/hour doing robo call'n.

FAIL!!! I know you're joking, but one of the biggest complaints going on is how people hate dealing with third world call centers. There has been a movement going on to bring this back to the states. Airlines used to be terrible with this, but they are getting better. At the last Digital Dealer I did a session titled "Mystery Phone Shop" and I had Alex Jefferson play the role of a financially challenged customer and on his mystery shop he got a gal of Indian decent and she had the strong accent. Nothing against ethnicity, but I would never had hired her for the job. I would not want my customers thinking I outsourced my calls to India.

One last tidbit before I must start doing some business. We have found that women are much better appointment setters than men within the BDC. I have example after example of this taking place. But I will say there are exceptions to this statement. Two of the best are Tom Safko and Tom Hilliker who have been on the Phone Ninja program now for over a year. The two of them and Amanda Ladwig have had more perfect calls than I can count. They all work at different dealerships. Just go to this page to see them in action: PhoneNinjas.com » Featured Sales Calls of the Month

Take Care!
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Wow. 1st day without a desk, and I missed all the good conversation here. Guess I'd better get my rear in gear lest my new employers realize what a doofus I really am :)

Actually, I was waiting for Jerry to jump-in since he was named. Nicely stated, Jerry, as usual. And Alex once again proves he is wise beyond his meager years by explaining in detail my "Better ROI" claim. (Alex actually scares me a bit.)

Kelly, I have no doubt you'd have taken Quinny's Angels to the next level! HAHA!