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Anyone have any feedback on ZAG?

Zag sucks. I will not do business with them ever again. We found that we were already talking to the same customers they were sending us and averaged a cost of about $350 per lead we got. Not to mention the contract is the toughest one to get out of I've ever seen. We got stuck for another year when we tried to cancel 1 month before the termination date. They said they had to have 90 days notice....bastards. They can go to hell.

thats some pretty strong feelings Alex!! Thanks for sharing.

We have been on with them quite ahwile in Washington state and have had good luck with their leads. I have and do track wether we recieved the same lead from another source and have not had that situation come up often.

But things can change and results can be different from dealership to dealership.
I should say that it wasn't "Zag" (quote/unquote) when we were dealing with them and the rep we had is now retired. But we did see the same contracts and lead results for twice the price when Zag tried to change our contract after changing their name.
Not sure why some of my dealers insists on keeping Zag. I bring it up every month at our marketing meetings.

The best part is - they don't charge it to advertising. They charge it to the deal a month later then dock the sales persons pay check on their next stub. That happens enough times, one can only imagine what a sales person does the next time they get a Zag lead.